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Losing a Fren. Teenage Girl 23/07/15(Sat)18:09 No. 25712 ID: 07bbd1 [Reply]

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Guys I fucked up bad.

>Be me.
>Stupid, sad, lonely.
>Play osrs everyday as a cute vampire girl, I am not a girl.
>Meet fren on w301 we dance and chat, she thinks I am girl
>Start getting closer doing everything together.
>I start telling her stuff about me even tho I am a very private person.
>Lie a lot, about personal stuff, it's easier then actually telling the truth.
>We quest, run to the farming patches together and dance every where.
>Everyone loves to see us together.
>They stop and say "Hey anons I see you everywhere, I wish I could enjoy this half as much as you guys do"
>Get even closer, add her on other stuff.
>Be one day.
>Hanging out at clan hall chatting.
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Teenage Girl 23/07/17(Mon)01:45 No. 25713 ID: a5b87c

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make a new charactor male this time or don't EVER lie to anyone who asks
you get to join a new clan
maybe one day your old fren notice you by your game play

You fucked up

Teenage Girl 23/07/17(Mon)20:48 No. 25714 ID: ed853f

This is why you never open up to people. As a fellow autists, I did this and people ended uo using my flaws against me verbally.

They think because theyre not autsitic that theyre my petmaster and I should be glad to have them as a friend.

Teenage Girl 23/06/21(Wed)18:50 No. 25701 ID: 049bc8 [Reply]

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Reminder that boomers grew up watching hours of TV every day and pic related was the norm


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Teenage Girl 23/06/27(Tue)05:45 No. 25709 ID: 1747ba

They play Buffy on Fuse almost all day every day. I often find myself watching multiple episodes without intending to.

Teenage Girl 23/07/04(Tue)15:18 No. 25710 ID: da438e

Post faster, I don't have anything to read while I eat my sandwich.

Teenage Girl 23/07/12(Wed)02:11 No. 25711 ID: 2dc647

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Sir, where do you think you are?

Teenage Girl 23/06/13(Tue)07:52 No. 25699 ID: a0d7c7 [Reply]

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Those idiots yesterday didn't realize they are using a magnet to make their site get bombarded with People they don't like and wonder why so many moderators and an Admin are idiots

I'm pissed Teenage Girl 19/11/07(Thu)08:24 No. 22318 ID: e0eda8 [Reply]

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all my fucking bitch-ass dad does is complain about how unfair I make his life. I get done with my goddamn 8-hour wageslave shift and he complains that he has to pick me up at 10 pm. he wonders why I can't just take a morning shift and just generally yells at me for existing. I'm not a fucking morning person and I've offered to walk home but nooo... he has to have it his way. I've tried working mornings but I kept sleeping through my alarms (I use two). I can't afford to buy a car because he charges me $500 fucking dollars a month for 'rent'. okay... I'm 19 bloody years old and I don't have anywhere else to go.

ive got no other goddamn options. fuck him—fuck that cunt, I hate him. all he does is gaslight me and yell at me like my birth was the worst thing to happen to the world. I've got no friends I can stay with...

fuck,fuck,fuck, FUCK...!
I want him out of my life.


thanks for listening. I need to vent.

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Teenage Girl 22/04/06(Wed)18:42 No. 24497 ID: ff3844


>How else do your parents control you and why haven't you moved out?

It's funny how disingenously contrarian you lot are. One moment, it's boomers are the death of the white race, being nigger loving ZOGbots, and the next moment, you're spouting the same bullshit rhetoric that you seethed IRL about before finding fellow copers online.

Teenage Girl 23/06/03(Sat)11:31 No. 25693 ID: 88736e

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Just Do It, man.

Teenage Girl 23/06/09(Fri)03:42 No. 25695 ID: fb573d

Be respectful

Teenage Girl 22/07/17(Sun)19:48 No. 25113 ID: 7b7190 [Reply]

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Holy fuck, why is the internet so boring?

>Reddit has an ass-backwards karma system, so if you're new to the site and wanna post, you've gotta wait ten minutes on most every subreddit. Not to mention the life-sucking "humor". Pass.
>Facebook. Might as well go to a retirement home. Pass.
>Twitter. Pass.
>Imageboards are all full of TFW No GF and other such cringe. Everyone compensates for being anonymous (because they lowkey want to be in a screencap passed around a decade from now) by trying way too hard to seem unique and different. /pol/ in 2016 basically gentrified every other board/-chan. Pass.
>Tumblr. Pass.
>Kiwi Farms. TRANNY DERANGEMENT SYNDROME, no matter the fucking topic of the thread. Pass.

Where in the fuck are you supposed to go? Honestly, I think it's time I cut down that internet myself, like 'ol Bob Chandler did.

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Teenage Girl 23/04/25(Tue)21:03 No. 25650 ID: 5168df

What's wrong? I am just fitting in like any other imageboard user. Have to keep up appearances. Actually treating people as people isn't based and redpilled, dude.

Teenage Girl 23/04/25(Tue)23:25 No. 25651 ID: 049bc8

> I am just fitting in like any other imageboard user. Have to keep up appearances.
You don't have to try, it comes naturally.

Teenage Girl 23/06/03(Sat)11:30 No. 25692 ID: 88736e

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Internet isn't boring; you are.

Teenage Girl 22/09/17(Sat)09:48 No. 25249 ID: a4b271 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Does anyone else have some semi-nostalgia for the early 2000's even though they weren't alive then. I was born in 2003 I have a good memory listening to stuff like Deftones, some other rock native to where we lived, Red Hot Chili Peppers in the back of the car. I imagine some millennial losers skating all day unemployed and couch surfing, smoking pot, and doing other drugs while one of their friends are recording a skate compilation that got thrown away when everything went to shit in 08. I remember sunny days most vividly just cruising with my parents, the sun is always so bright in these memories. Of course my semi-nostalgia is influenced by being born in California. My life has been fucking shit. I like to blame my parents or maybe I should blame the whole capitalist system, my family went to total shit in 08 when the market crashed, dad lost his job and we were able to luckily get on section 8 soon after when we couldn't afford rent. Suddenly I was living in an upper middle class white conservative area, and I was the son of a fucking pothead skateboarder bum with an alcoholic and abusive manipulative mother. So yeah I never fit in with anyone around the area and I was never liked or wanted around, I've had zero friends and only got invited and attended one birthday party when I was like 9. Now I'm 18, still lonely, surprisingly intact, they way the world is going though I think I'll be dead in 10 or 20 years.

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The+Red+Barron 23/03/19(Sun)16:14 No. 25586 ID: b23312

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>crying soyjak screaming NOOO THE BANKS ARE FINE

Teenage Girl 23/03/20(Mon)09:03 No. 25589 ID: 5d3be1

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>the big boys' club doesn't play games for the fun of playing

Teenage Girl 23/05/30(Tue)13:09 No. 25691 ID: af22fd


Leafy 23/02/11(Sat)18:16 No. 25543 ID: bdf678 [Reply]

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When the person you loved the most is the person who hurt you the most

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Teenage Girl 23/02/25(Sat)18:25 No. 25560 ID: 1a3660

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You were the one

You were my everything

Never apart

No one in between

Then one day

When you went your own way

You felt justified

And I was mortified
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Teenage Girl 23/04/09(Sun)10:42 No. 25617 ID: e2dc59

Truer words have never been spoken.

Teenage Girl 23/05/24(Wed)13:51 No. 25680 ID: 88736e

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Teenage Girl 22/03/29(Tue)02:16 No. 24482 ID: ff3844 [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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Elliot Rodger? Millennial.
Seung-Hi Cho? Millennial.
Adam Lanza? Millennial.
SJWs? Millennials.
"Sex work is real work"? Millennials.
Incels? Millennials,
Femcels? Millennials.
Wokeness? Millennials.
Anti-whiteness? Millennials.
Radfems? Millennials.
Most mass shooters? Millennials.
Most ISIS recruits? Millennials.
Refugees welcome? Millennials.
Brandon Tarrant? Millennial.

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Teenage Girl 23/05/09(Tue)12:33 No. 25673 ID: 306a74


Speaking of "adult" males?
>Neighbor shoots 14-year-old as kids play hide and seek outside, Louisiana cops say.
Why are kids on their screens all the time? In my day, we would play outside! Kids these days go outside to play and either get shot by a neighbor or get the cops called on them…I’d spend all day inside as well.

Teenage Girl 23/05/20(Sat)18:03 No. 25674 ID: b81493

Suburbia is becoming an exclusive luxury for single lonely people.

Teenage Girl 23/05/21(Sun)18:08 No. 25675 ID: 049bc8

I remember one time when I was in middle school I was running around and playing in my own yard (big, not next to another house) with my brother and some old fuck came up to us to aggressively ask what we were doing, he had naturally assumed we were committing some sort of crime.

Teenage Girl 23/04/11(Tue)10:16 No. 25625 ID: 274d75 [Reply]

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Ever since Chris, the friend of Mr Beast, transitioned, I felt like something was wrong and after seeing what happened and what Chris is doing, I have a bad feeling about this.

Teenage Girl 23/04/14(Fri)15:27 No. 25630 ID: 636721

Now I am more worried

Teenage Girl 23/04/25(Tue)04:10 No. 25647 ID: 26189d

Has anyone fucked his ass yet?

Teenage Girl 22/10/17(Mon)21:51 No. 25332 ID: c6eb5b [Reply]

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Man, I really hope I can take care of myself, place I live in and family because I have a feeling I might be a manchild in the future.

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Teenage Girl 23/03/05(Sun)12:21 No. 25572 ID: 001dd1

The progressive movement all kinds of that stuff over to the US. That's too big a topic to cover in this format. I'm not a protestant (that's a whole other topic) but I don't think I'd blame them specifically beyond just being one facet of whole.

I'm not sure even really where to begin on the subject. If you want to go with psychology, then you're going to have a long time digging with the likes of Wilhelm Wundt. But I get the feeling a better open might be the Fabian Society. I once set my public-facing description at a high profile job as the "Fabian Technition" in order to describe my approach as a software designer, but also to find out who might notice the terminology and ask me about it. Nobody ever did lol. Most of them were shitty programmers anyway, since that was, for them, more of an annoying necessity.

Teenage Girl 23/03/25(Sat)09:05 No. 25596 ID: a92439

Experience? Yes.
Wisdom? Thats debatable.

The idea of wisdom coming with age is just coping wuth loss of vitality of youth.
Most people become even more neurotic over thirty than in their teen years. And the cringe is not some dorky habit to be laughed off. It often has serious side effects.

And alot of times, older people be dressing up like jocks and delinquents.

Teenage Girl 23/04/13(Thu)07:22 No. 25629 ID: 63ad76

I personally find it all rather effeminate. It's like the girls who think they're not like the other girls:

>I'm not like those other guys! I'm not soy/normie/beta/cuck/NPC/etc!

Rinse, repeat. Seriously, I feel like I'm in a middle school girls' washroom, the way these faggots talk. Imagine being a grown ass man and believing in cooties like this. How shameful.

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