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John Smith 21/04/12(Mon)23:54 No. 47759 Board: /eh/ [Reply]

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Dear John,
I've been on vacation leave for a short while now. I still have a couple of days left.
So far I've spent it with a few walks, and a bit of entertainment in the form of movies I wanted to watch.
However, this week is quite a rainy one.. I do wonder what I should do inside. Perhaps a few more movies?
Who knows...

Regards, a bored John

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John Smith 24/04/14(Sun)02:39 No. 48908

Resistance becomes a duty when you live in a police state.

Why is Assange in jail, but Clinton isn't?

Why did Snowden throw away his life to warn Turks about the dangers of tyranny?

How can officials and the Gestapo take an oath to defend the Constitution and then violate it everyday? Is a paycheck more important than freedom?

John Smith 24/04/14(Sun)06:40 No. 48909




John Smith 24/04/16(Tue)02:59 No. 48913

Why carry a NSA tracking device around at all?

ETHICAL HACKING Ramon Lavin Muhia 20/03/06(Fri)17:20 No. 5355 Board: /pr/ [Reply]



Chromosomes (LGBT or Downie) Teenage Girl 24/01/05(Fri)18:59 No. 25828 Board: /rnb/ ID: 0b7fb6 [Reply]

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Having XX chromosomes doesn't make you a woman anymore, right? So we all get to choose our chromosomes? Oh wait… you can't just chop your dick off and suddenly not have down syndrome.

Teenage Girl 24/01/16(Tue)02:10 No. 25837 ID: 9e89af

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wouldn't chromosomal disorders be more common if something like down's exists?

Down's is very common.... every other chromosomal disorders is not

John Smith 21/05/11(Tue)13:56 No. 47794 Board: /eh/ [Reply]

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My name is John.
I'm a little offended that this board uses my name as a stereotypical uninteresting person.
Oh well.

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John Smith 21/06/02(Wed)06:13 No. 47815

Welcome, John. =]

John Smith 21/06/04(Fri)02:37 No. 47818

maybe, maybe not...whatever, John

John Smith 21/08/03(Tue)17:17 No. 47852

Hey John,
I actually find it kind of comforting myself. Funny we're both John, but I guess that's a common coincidence.
-- John

Anonymous 18/03/25(Sun)21:25 No. 131226 Board: /tg/ [Reply]

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Folks, I want to play this Ravenloft edition exactly as it was in the year 1990 when it was released. What edition of AD&D Players and Master Guide should I use?

Anonymous 18/03/31(Sat)01:54 No. 131234

2nd edition AD&D, just like the cover art shows.

Anonymous 23/01/07(Sat)01:57 No. 132219


repare to die, then role more charactors and then die again and again and again and agin

unless you pick the thickess every dm

MATHS AND PHYSICS HELP Anonymous 20/06/25(Thu)23:01 No. 16936 Board: /sci/ ID: d51c3d [Reply]

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Hello /sci/, newfag here. I want to selfstudy Math,Statistics,Physics. I've bought bunch of SAT and AP books on those topics. Do you have anything to suggest? Any resource would be appreciated.

Wolfram Alpha DrGonzy!!WvAwV4MTHk 20/06/27(Sat)21:12 No. 16937 ID: fb30bf

I have been told this site is quite useful for math and engineering students.


Anonymous 21/09/15(Wed)11:03 No. 17791 ID: a90f2c

after the understanding of pemdas. the best thing you can do is MEMORIZE identities/ where identities are coins, the coins being equations, and the faces the sides. these dualities can exist in flux while the parts are in place. after you memorize these you must cement them in your mind... for they are the math you seek to understand.

its unpleasant but math is a language of intuition. and probably the hardest to grasp.

PL/SQL Issues Neckbearded Basement Dweller 18/11/27(Tue)08:09 No. 5160 Board: /pr/ [Reply]

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Why the fuck wont this run? it runs fine when i put in a number for the interval but not when i put in left or right input. they should just be numbers so whats the big deal?

SET serveroutput ON

ACCEPT leftLimitInput NUMBER PROMPT "Please enter the leftLimit in minutes: ";
ACCEPT rightLimitInput NUMBER PROMPT "Please enter the rightLimit in minutes: ";

leftLimit NUMBER;
rightLimit NUMBER;
leftLimit := &leftLimitInput;
rightLimit := &rightLimitInput;
SELECT flightno, fromAirport, toAirport, (arrives-depart) AS flightDuration FROM flights WHERE (arrives-depart) >= INTERVAL 'leftLimitInput' MINUTE AND (arrives-depart) <= INTERVAL 'rightLimitInput' MINUTE;
Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Neckbearded Basement Dweller 18/11/27(Tue)09:30 No. 5161

also this select statement doesnt work and i dont know why that is either. im trying to get it to display stuff from within the last 61 days and this should do it but it isnt.

select BT, BP, AD, DATE_FORMAT(publDate, '%m/%d/%Y'), PN from auth, book, publ where (publDate BETWEEN NOW() - INTERVAL 61 DAY AND NOW())

Neckbearded Basement Dweller 18/11/27(Tue)15:41 No. 5162

Just kidding about this select statement. It does work but there are no dates within the 61 days. That took me far too long to realize

BOB, cache Shambler 12/12/04(Tue)09:58 No. 4071 Board: /zom/ ID: 435599 [Reply]

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ITT We post pics of our caches, stashes, and BOBs. Also list contents if you would be so kind sirs.

Here we see an older collection of my gear from earlier attempts at prepping.

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Shambler 16/07/21(Thu)10:27 No. 5509 ID: 6d923d

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Some very overlooked tools I have. I think a decent amount of practice spent rake picking goes a long way. I'm not a locksmith but having the option to quietly get into locks is essential. I prefer gerbers to leatherman for price reasons. Still a great tool

Shambler 16/07/21(Thu)10:48 No. 5510 ID: 6d923d

What's with the clean acu's and price tags? Do you guys drill at all?

Shambler 16/07/21(Thu)10:57 No. 5511 ID: 6d923d

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See you gentlemen on zday

John Smith 20/11/06(Fri)05:40 No. 47582 Board: /eh/ [Reply]

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Hi, 7chan.
I live in country which is one big 'eh' with no hopes and opportunities. I've lost any dreams in the depth of road mud. Any business I have tried is lying and becoming covered with the dust now. I will never find gf and favourite hobby. The only fantasy I have is to kill myself.

The last of regular commited suicides at my university was at May. I think I might be the next. Not because some difficulties with study, but because there is no reason to continue living.

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John Smith 20/11/26(Thu)03:59 No. 47626

Agreed, people need help through hard times not just sulfates and diagnoses

John Smith 20/12/01(Tue)01:11 No. 47636

Honestly if I see somebody depressed and the main thrust of their argument is tfw no gf then I assume they are in their late teens/early 20s and going through difficult mental changes. I know because I've been there. I don't know what else you want me to say. Nothing else can be done but learning to adjust to adulthood.

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)14:42 No. 47643

But still. Youth depression ismt always wanton for relationships.
And what about older people desparate for companionship? I see alot of that around. And theyre not condemned or looked down on for that.

Can't get no books for free Hipster Slut 20/12/27(Sun)17:05 No. 18144 Board: /lit/ [Reply]

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Sup guys. Probably the wrong place to ask, but you may have noticed how increasingly difficult has getting online books for free become up to this days, and I was wondering if there are some resurces I may be overlooking and you could share. Thanks in advance.

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benbenlol 23/07/24(Mon)12:15 No. 18393

As a student, I understand the challenges of essay writing. Fortunately, I discovered https://assignmentgeek.com/nerds-help.html an assignment writing service that has a team of highly skilled writers. Their efficient homework writing has been incredibly beneficial to me, and I believe they can be of great assistance to you as well!

Hipster Slut 23/08/15(Tue)07:06 No. 18399

https://archive.org, perhaps?

The+Red+Barron 24/01/01(Mon)23:05 No. 18422

just google ancient books for free public domain websites


my current read I keep putting off

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