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Panawave 23/12/21(Thu)15:11 No. 825357

File 170316790162.jpg - (2.35MB , 3016x2124 , 20231221_091739.jpg )

Happy winter Solstice 2023 /b/!

Winter is half way over and there is no snow anywhere.

Have fun scaring away the darkness demons!

herp 23/12/21(Thu)17:30 No. 825358

Happy winter solstice to you too, and that's some nice gear you've got there. I've always wanted to try e-stim. I love gooning on acid. Something about LSD makes me able to edge infinitely without ever having the urge to cum. It's the best aphrodisiac out there. What's it like with e-stim?

tee 23/12/21(Thu)23:45 No. 825364

File 170319874240.jpg - (62.13KB , 976x549 , 1652370499096.jpg )

happy winter solstice to you too

Miku Fanboy 23/12/22(Fri)13:49 No. 825373

ghosts think jerking off is gross so they don't airwolf with you when you're attraxting demons

O.P. 23/12/22(Fri)14:55 No. 825375

that's why my house is ghost free since '93.

Sazpaimon 23/12/23(Sat)14:01 No. 825397

Dude, in many African cultures, the phrase for masturbation is literally translated as, "putting on a show for the ghosts".

Anonymous 23/12/23(Sat)18:24 No. 825402

Happy winter solstice, expect that's the first day of winter, not the middle.

OP 24/01/10(Wed)17:12 No. 825840

We had a fun day, notice the 2 tabs.
This is my full tens set up. For me its a tool in the box, not an entire thing in itself.
Also pictured are other solstice charms.
cold, soon.

Liru Fanboy 24/01/11(Thu)05:38 No. 825858

That's a shit ton of hardware just to bust a nut. You may want to slow it down man, I see a noose and hotel closet hanger rod in your future.

symbion 24/01/11(Thu)14:59 No. 825859

>That's a shit ton of hardware just to bust a nut.
Not really, everything is a matter of scale.
>You may want to slow it down man
This is just bad advice. Save it for ol' Earnhardt Sr.
>I see a noose and hotel closet hanger rod in your future.
You watch too much TV.

r000t 24/01/12(Fri)01:01 No. 825863

File 170501766557.jpg - (2.53MB , 2304x3072 , spicey bicey.jpg )

Spicey Bicey from /SverigeTråden/!

r000t 24/01/16(Tue)01:47 No. 825952

File 17053660231.jpg - (62.38KB , 550x750 , __samejima_mamimi_flcl_drawn_by_nekoi_mie__a2fd49c.jpg )


Bill 24/01/16(Tue)13:37 No. 825959

File 170540866790.jpg - (502.51KB , 899x819 , Screenshot_20240111_173542_Maps.jpg )

This is a shitton of hardware just to bust a nut.

tee 24/01/16(Tue)18:07 No. 825960

this, my hand does this in twentys seconds

plus who jerks it and hasnt seen 98% of all their fetish porn already? you gonna watch cowboy bebop on that pos?

poe 24/01/16(Tue)20:33 No. 825961

There is a big difference between "seen" and "lived".

Liru Fanboy 24/01/16(Tue)20:48 No. 825962

bro leave me out of the shit I watch

I watch women getting airwolfed by dogs

like that shit shouldn't even happen in reality, I'd feel it necessary to protest the action if I were actually present. as porn though, whatevs

Reimu Hakurei 24/01/17(Wed)00:37 No. 825963

File 170544826524.jpg - (250.95KB , 896x1280 , IMG_20240114_214001_731.jpg )

>a girl without a dick
Is like an angel without wings. Also:

Sex with big brother...

Brony 24/01/17(Wed)22:39 No. 825988

File 17055275784.jpg - (76.47KB , 550x412 , robbers-cave-state-park (1).jpg )

man, you must live in either a tortured conflict, or luke-warm anti-adventure.

you are trapped inside yourself.

OP 24/01/18(Thu)03:51 No. 825991

nah shit is stinky bruh

Mudkip 24/01/18(Thu)16:37 No. 826000

And how, friend.

Novice Equestrian 24/03/21(Thu)19:10 No. 827123

File 171104463595.jpg - (2.31MB , 4000x2256 , 20240321_135852.jpg )

OP here, your appointment is ready. Please undress, hit the canna vape, put your ear plugs in, eye mask on, and lie down

Bill 24/04/01(Mon)22:00 No. 827243

File 171200162020.gif - (664.80KB , 236x177 , 20240401_111305.gif )

Op here, SXSW 2024 was a lot of fun.

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