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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/02/25(Sun)20:16 No. 826749

Youtube  sing along

Reimu Hakurei 24/03/27(Wed)02:09 No. 827172

That's what a cultist would say, not today satan, not today.

Sonichu 24/03/27(Wed)12:48 No. 827180

You now just Terraforming...

We oughta name a song after you
Call it "Canada"
Imagine a country so blue

I'm at a loss for words
Explaining the sentiment
Its size implies substance
You invented it

There was a time
Your cigar was ironic
You've been at it so long
It's chronic

We oughta name a song after you
Call it "Canada"
Imagine a country so blue
Backwards it's "adanaC"

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