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Sazpaimon 24/03/28(Thu)00:29 No. 827188

File 171158218563.jpg - (6.55KB , 176x286 , peepo the froggo.jpg )

How do illegal immigrants file their tax returns if they don't have an SSN?
How come I will starve to death if I don't work my ass off all day but illegal immigrants get free food via EBT?

Closet Furry 24/03/28(Thu)00:37 No. 827189

>How do illegal immigrants file their tax returns if they don't have an SSN?
Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). You don't need SSN to get one.
>How come I will starve to death if I don't work my ass off all day but illegal immigrants get free food via EBT?
Because people like yourself made it extremely difficult for immigrants to get jobs, especially decent paying jobs, so they need assistance to live.

poe 24/03/28(Thu)10:51 No. 827192

Go back to Mexico, Pablo.

symbion 24/03/28(Thu)11:59 No. 827194

I'm 100% American, for multiple generations.
I'm also not mentally incompetent and I can find information on my own.

herp 24/03/28(Thu)22:11 No. 827196

They don't get free food via ebt you strawberry because you need a SSN to get ebt you dumb nigger. Optimus.

Anonymous 24/03/28(Thu)22:32 No. 827197

These posters are Mexican.

Nyan Cat 24/03/29(Fri)03:55 No. 827199

Is your name actually Pablo

Optimus Prime 24/03/31(Sun)07:46 No. 827219

They, uh, don't.

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