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Steve 24/03/31(Sun)11:36 No. 827223

File 171187780332.png - (149.67KB , 382x448 , Screenshot 2023-07-01 105110.png )

i airwolfing hate niggers

herp 24/03/31(Sun)15:53 No. 827225

We know, airwolf off

N3X15 24/04/09(Tue)00:53 No. 827322

I hated them first, gtfo

zeneslev 24/04/13(Sat)01:39 No. 827356

There's been a lot of talk about the merits of Fallout on /tv/. But there’s a perfect series for us who just loooove to wig out on canon material. And that is Star Trek: Lower Decks.

With 4 seasons, 10 episodes each, that’s a whole 40 episodes where the creative team of writers and creators shows off all their great knowledge of geek trivia that could fit in a Memory Alpha of its own! (Why not call it Memory Beta?)

The whole world of Fallout is problematic! Yes, it depicts an alternative future that was basically like a 1950s that never ended but with better race relations. But how can you have a 1950s in the future with better race relations without it being a 1950s where race relations was terrible? Checkmate, racists!

The animation style of Lower Decks is an accessible style that takes the best of CalArts and early 00s flash animation and takes it to levels where none animator has gone before! But Fallout? It’s full of visual stuff that can BOTH be enjoyed by those who know their Fallout lore AND those who hardly know anything about Fallout and just saw the ads.

Fallout is a vicious attack on everything that nerd culture stands for! Because they have this ”world-instructing dialogue”. IFF rad roaches was a thing in Lower Decks, they would be commented as something that reminds you of Brebbedly-box XIV and that you would NEVER want to see again. (Ugh!) And that is funny, because in that series and that season and that episode, there was a really funny joke about insects and if you don’t get it you don’t get it, sweaty. It’s a trekkie thing. Ok?

But instead, we have a WHITE MAN that is LECTURING a YOUNG WOMAN on rad roaches. And worst of all, it’s quite swift and ”effective”. Lower Decks would’ve given the viewer lots of (beat) so that we could really laugh about the clever (in-)joke. Topped off with a sassy black woman saying smart things, because that is diversity!

So gosh darn you to heck, Fallout! Gosh darn you for NOT craving a huge intelligence to enjoy!

p4ch3c0 24/04/13(Sat)14:42 No. 827360

synchronistically I just finished not finishing the first episode of Fallout. Cool effort and nice stages, but just meh in terms of most of the rest. No depth. I don't watch anything though especially from 2010s onward and non-animated so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

W. T. Snacks 24/04/13(Sat)15:36 No. 827362

Why is air-wolf censored but not that lol.

Marisa Kirisame 24/04/14(Sun)21:32 No. 827371

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If only you were taking the piss, that would of been funny.
Sadly you are not.
In the movie "Civil War"One of the two main leader characters (both female), mentions an AFA massacre. In the past tense.
I'm trying to get enough feedback so that can run a book (I talking about betting). On the how long the Tony Blair party (labour), with Sir Keir Starmer as Prime Glove Puppet. To rejoin the EU without a referendum.
When asking a quite knowledgeable person I know in real life. He said there will be no election in UK or USA this year.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy did ban/stop election in the Ukraine this year no big surprise there.
Ihave to say I could see the Democratic Party doing the same n USA. Not sure how though.
As for the UK Rishi Sunak has a green card for the USA and is free to go live anytime he likes. In fact he has sign a form saying he intends become a permanent resident of the USA. Well you have to otherwise turn down your application.
He his also just had talks with rich people of Silicon Valley. About his next job after losing the election.
Both the Tory Party and the Tony Blair Party want to rejoin the EU, so the Tories are going to throw the election.

O.P. 24/04/14(Sun)21:34 No. 827372

Oh, forgot 36 weeks after sir Keir Starmer take power. The UK will start to rejoin the EU with a referendum.

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/04/14(Sun)21:35 No. 827373

Or is it without?

PrettyPony 24/04/15(Mon)23:27 No. 827384

I thought my knee replacement was going to be the end of my active lifestyle, but Arthur_Spore's product proved it wrong.

Spider Expert 24/04/16(Tue)02:23 No. 827386

I don't. I do find white libs kinda gross though.

h 24/04/16(Tue)22:59 No. 827393

>If only you were taking the piss, that would of been funny.
>Sadly you are not.
Too bad that tripfaggtro isn't possible here. But believe me when I say that Fallout is a good series because it stands on its own. No wiki wigging-out needed to enjoy it.

>AFA massacre
What? :-/

poe 24/04/17(Wed)03:02 No. 827397


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