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Novice Equestrian 24/04/14(Sun)18:47 No. 827370

File 171311323416.png - (9.27KB , 221x228 , images.png )

Women are addicted to showing off their bodies and making incels jealous. Women literally get depressed during the winter every year because they can't show off their bodies. They always hide in the winter and you never see them out in public. During summer they return and start showing off again and the depression goes away.

zeneslev 24/04/14(Sun)22:31 No. 827374

They are pitiful and deluded creatures.

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/04/14(Sun)22:41 No. 827375

If I was a bitch I'd whore out as well, but definitely do it with style. Well if I was actually hot that is and even if I was a 9 I'd probably not really think I'm hot so instead I'd do science or some weird shit like that.

symbion 24/04/15(Mon)00:18 No. 827376

File 171313312133.jpg - (271.14KB , 1200x720 , Ready-to-fish-Pro_1800x1800.jpg )

Birthright is a bitch. QQ.

O.P. 24/04/15(Mon)00:59 No. 827378

Women are awful people. Public indecency laws need to be enforced.

Brony 24/04/19(Fri)20:14 No. 827423

I bet these are the very questions that run through every bitch's head? Should I whore out or should I do science?

ian 24/04/19(Fri)22:51 No. 827426

How do you faggots keep ending up here?

Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/20(Sat)14:15 No. 827433

420chan is dead and I never got over it. I can scroll some social media but that doesn't scratch the "belonging" or "being real" itch......

derp 24/04/20(Sat)16:00 No. 827435

If this thread is the kind of shit you posted on 420chan I probably hated you there too, it's alright if you never belong

Steve 24/04/20(Sat)20:27 No. 827436

I'm just answering OP question, go airwolf yourself bro, many things to hate but at the end of the day there hasn't been a community like that before or since. and it had the most drug fueled b of all chans, so I'm sorry if you missed it. At the same time it was very sad, but how beautiful??? how beautiful...

Sazpaimon 24/04/20(Sat)20:37 No. 827437

oh airwolf sorry it wasn't op, I didn't know what thread I was posting in, anyway, op is still a good post so go airwolf yourself.

To answer you OP: yes. women are jealous creatures for sure. Generally women are much more jealous and catty than men. and you make a good point about them hiding in winter just to reveal their bodies in the summer. It's disgusting and it should be banned at least in some countries.

tee 24/04/21(Sun)04:07 No. 827441

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That image feels like a reference to something.

Spider Expert 24/04/21(Sun)07:52 No. 827443

Too many homos here

Nyan Cat 24/04/21(Sun)20:08 No. 827446

File 171372292382.jpg - (134.33KB , 720x405 , 1098754.jpg )


Thank you for post a picture with a cat in it

Women are in constant bitch war of showing off.
In a war with every other Women on the planet.
Not even understanding this B.A.S.I.C. construct could be you use the word incel.
Gay men do it to, hence women always seem to like them.
Cause there all in the same battle mode.

Bob Ross i'm so bored i'm going to use drugs, any one reading this can draw their on conclusions as to why am

heres a pic with a cat in it

symbion 24/04/21(Sun)21:35 No. 827450

anyone who has used sufficient drugs in their life has never been bored since

p4ch3c0 24/04/22(Mon)02:50 No. 827453

File 171374705026.png - (444.62KB , 1280x640 , 143546789.png )


I think that wrong, Maybe go with most or a lot.
Decades of use, can lead to boredom.
Personally speaking.

Liru Fanboy 24/04/22(Mon)10:01 No. 827454

>wrong drugs
>wrong amounts
>skill issue

r000t 24/04/22(Mon)13:18 No. 827455

File 171378471860.png - (649.05KB , 1000x535 , 14586759.png )


>Bono say yes to charity fund raise event for the DEA

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