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[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/04/21(Sun)19:47 No. 827445

File 171372162993.jpg - (93.99KB , 1440x1152 , [image] - 324384.jpg )

Muslims are animals, the inferior race. In my entire life I've never seen another so stupid culture as stupid as Muslim culture. They must all die.

4chan user 24/04/21(Sun)20:15 No. 827447

Dear glowing OP,

Report to your commanding officer and demand a Full and Deep cavity search.
Now GTFO this board

h 24/04/22(Mon)20:08 No. 827459

File 171380929637.png - (787.45KB , 640x683 , allahuakbar.png )

"muslim" isn't a race. islam is traditionally associated with arabs because muhammad was arabic, but the largest muslim majority country is indonesia.

Brony 24/04/22(Mon)21:48 No. 827460

Most of those people still airwolf donkeys as kids and violently abuse women. If you want to find a muslim population that's halfway decent go to UAE. Preferably as a white man. Not in terms of having a public life, but most of us here are NEETS and hikikomori, so that's why it CAN be decent there - just stay inside and don't stick out - that way it's almost like a white race first world country. Which isn't perfect but not as bad as muslims as a whole. airwolf muslims, they're as strawberryed as niggers, they just use religion instead of being literally descended from monkeys to justify it.

Lorf 24/04/22(Mon)22:39 No. 827463

Facts are not going to help your case here. OP is a brain dead strawberry dip shit, and you know
Brain dead strawberry dip shits are gonna brain dead strawberry dip shit all day long.

OP and this dumb white trash strawberry >>827460

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