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Spider Expert 24/04/22(Mon)15:23 No. 827457

File 171379219473.jpg - (41.68KB , 453x599 , iml00115d8z31.jpg )

Dude, I just found out that ChinChan is dead. Ruddut said so, about a year ago. Suicide or accidentally, a drowning, but drugs were probably involved, as locals new her crowd to use meth.

She was weird, her name was Joey (australian), and she had a few topless pics, that in my weirder moments....enjoyed.

I just turned 40, many of my friends are dead, and now the the v1.0 internet stars are fading.

poe 24/04/22(Mon)21:50 No. 827461


Optimus Prime 24/04/23(Tue)03:21 No. 827467

Yes. I hadn't thought of her in a decade, looked her up, seems she is gone.

Lorf 24/04/23(Tue)16:44 No. 827470


That was not Internet 1.0

I am also 40.

Anything that happened on African Mammory Land was Internet 2.0

I scarcely remember the starts of Internet 1.0; I was not there for most of those memes, and neither were you.

There was the guy who emailed that picture of a spider and asked for it back...

There were the dudes that ran bigglobe...

Maybe a handful of people who were the hero of one BBS or another, but utterly unknown outside its server.

I spent the time in Alamak Hackchat at the forefront of communication technology for the time (although basically what IRC had always been, just web-browser friendly).

herp 24/04/23(Tue)17:07 No. 827471

I am sorry to be incorrect, thank you for correcting my memories. I applude your life experiences.

Now I'm not sure of anything.

symbion 24/05/01(Wed)11:55 No. 827556

The internet is in purgatory.

Novice Equestrian 24/05/02(Thu)12:50 No. 827559

Rabbit-chan still about? busted many a nut to her back in the day...

Reimu Hakurei 24/05/03(Fri)04:58 No. 827573

I miss her and Primemas chan

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