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Christian Weston Chandler 24/04/29(Mon)05:34 No. 827525

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I was walking home from the store minding my own business when a black man, who was about to walk past me, stops and acts as if he's gonna hit me. I get startled and I flinch; In the moment I had frozen, trying to contemplate if I should start a fight or walk away. My first thought was "I'm on a green card visa and still don't have a citizenship; a felony might blow my chances to become an American". While I'm frozen there standing like an idiot, he just proceeds to walk away like nothing happened.

Why are niggers like this? Why are they loud, problematic, always trying to start shit while unprovoked?

I feel so emasculated and ashamed. Thank Bob Ross I was alone and not with some girl.

What should I do next time if this happens? Should I just go for it?

Weeabot 24/04/29(Mon)12:14 No. 827526

What shouldn't you do?

Lorf 24/04/29(Mon)14:33 No. 827528

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Bill 24/04/29(Mon)18:44 No. 827530


> Why are niggers like this?

> stops and acts as if he's gonna hit me. I get startled and I flinch

Now you know why niggers are like that.

Reimu Hakurei 24/04/30(Tue)02:07 No. 827539

If you are a black man, yes, go for it.

And most any other case, it is unwise to engage in violence. Regardless of what any nigger girl might think. Stupid girls suck. You need a big titty goth girl.

I honestly cannot comprehend how white people or basically any race besides niggers can still think violence is a good thing in 2024...

N3X15 24/04/30(Tue)02:10 No. 827540

Sorry to double post, but I thought it's kind of important to make myself crystal clear - violence under ANY circumstances should be the last option to consider. Niggers can be violent, because they are monkeys and it is natural for monkeys to be violent at least some species, let them do their thing.

If your blood thirsty youths still don't agree with me, get off your airwolfing Facebook or whatever the grind is nowadays and start watching live leaks. Violence sucks at best and unfortunately in many cases it is much worse - it is sad.

Mudkip 24/04/30(Tue)04:55 No. 827542

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Bill 24/04/30(Tue)14:12 No. 827546

Well first of all, you reacted as logically as you could at the time. Your concern was that you could lose your chance to naturalize which is obviously an important factor.

However, consider that the Nog assaulted you by putting you in fear that you'd be a victim to a battery. And that police hate blacks, so you'd be letnoffnas a self defense case.

However, consider that the nog could be armed with a gun or knife. Then you're bleeding out on a street somewhere because you didn't want to feel "emasculated"

Consider that real men use their heads and don't chimp out, and that every self defense expert who could break your bones with one hand will tell you that the first thing to always do is to seek to exit the confrontation.

Flinching is natural if you think someone is about t hit you. It's an instinctive reaction to put yourself in a defensive posture. Only a dumb ass would sit there and tank a punch in the face.

Sonichu 24/04/30(Tue)15:54 No. 827547

Seriously how the airwolf do you faggots keep showing up here? Is there really not enough room on those other sites to contain your schizoid ramblings?

I'm starting to imagine that this shit is automated and there's just rogue /pol/-themed AI scripts wandering the internet and posting this tripe wherever they land.

Sonichu 24/05/01(Wed)05:23 No. 827553

Tell us OP, what does being a Russian AI bot farm shill pay these days?

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