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Mudkip 24/05/04(Sat)04:58 No. 827583

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Free speech in danger. US government is currently "considering" a potential law (bill) that makes holocaust denial illegal.
Now I don't even deny the holocaust personally, I don't know whether or not it happened, I wasn't alive back then. I'm holocaust agnostic.

But the point is free speech is legal in America. America is supposed to be the country where you can express your beliefs and opinions freely. Many european countries have already banned this, but America was cool because it was different.

This new bill is in violation of the first amendment, which is a law for laws. The amendments are laws that govern other laws. They have more power than normal laws because they are harder to pass than normal laws, it's very difficult to create a new amendment and that's why they are more powerful than other laws. It's a law for the law to obey. The laws cannot contradict with the amendments, and if they do, the amendments WIN priority.

I fear that in the near future it will (still) be legal to burn the American flag, but it will be illegal to burn the Israeli flag. And I fear that it will be legal to be racist towards whites, but no other race...

Miku Fanboy 24/05/04(Sat)05:00 No. 827584

The USA is starting to turn into Pakistan, it's a slow change but it's happening. Right now we are in the denial phase where all the proponents are saying "that will never happen," but they are taking the first steps to making it happen. Creating a police state of what was once the freest nation.

Bob Ross 24/05/08(Wed)09:10 No. 827614

Free speech was always a lie. The state should cultivate proper speech.

Bob Ross 24/05/08(Wed)21:54 No. 827629

I think it's funny how Asians, especially the Chinese can't hold their alcohol, due to their shitty genetics.
And drinking is what the Chinese get so macho about. I'm White, English and Dutch, and this Chinese coworker always challenges me to drinking after work.

The chinaman trys all kinds of showmanship to distract how bad he feels only after drinking half the shots I have. Once, when he passed out my wife squatted over him and emptied her bladder. My wife holds her alcohol better than any Yellow Chinese man, they are so tiny, just toss them around.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/05/09(Thu)11:07 No. 827638

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Just dont follow it.
Look at niggers, they dont follow the law, dont even practice good hygiene and people literally worship the ground they walk on.
They can make all the laws they want its your choice to follow them.

Nyan Cat 24/05/09(Thu)21:00 No. 827652

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This is 100% a provocateur thread.

Lorf 24/05/09(Thu)22:27 No. 827653

It's rude to bump the thread to tell us this.

He-Man 24/05/10(Fri)01:18 No. 827659


Deal with it. Bump. Hope you get provoked by glowcrackers, anime watching sewer boy

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