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herp 24/05/08(Wed)02:55 No. 827610

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I just want an honest rating of my appearance, be as brutal as you have to

O.P. 24/05/08(Wed)06:20 No. 827611


derp 24/05/08(Wed)07:46 No. 827612

You're probably underageb& so you still have time, if you get on HRT you could be hot as FUAARRRKKKK.

Shit who am I kidding, I'd probably fug even as you currently are. Keep leaning into the faggy/femmy side of your looks you'll definitely get laid, you'll just be taking the dick instead of giving it.

PrettyPony 24/05/08(Wed)14:01 No. 827618

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I'd get on hrt if I could find it without parents or family finding out, always wanted to be a femboy

Steve 24/05/08(Wed)14:15 No. 827620

Honestly, bro, you're hotter than most of the girls I know, I mean okay, maybe you're not a 9, but as others have mentioned if you get on hrt early enough, you'd probably be extremely airwolfable eventually. Also just because ur a girl doesn't mean you don't have to work out. Focus on squats and stuff and if you do back - make sure you don't compensate with biceps. You'll still wanna look relatively frail, but a nice ass and thighs go a long way.

r000t 24/05/08(Wed)15:01 No. 827622

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I work out all the time, im a little too muscular for a femboy physique tho, I work my legs a ton

N3X15 24/05/08(Wed)20:59 No. 827624

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herp 24/05/08(Wed)21:13 No. 827625

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Don't underestimate the muscle mass you can get away with as a femboy, especially if you have an okay frame and/or stay close to otter-mode. A lot of the femininity comes from mannerism, fashion, how you carry yourself etc etc. Never forget that the ultimate femboy, Link, is ripped.

Also, post moar pics.

Sazpaimon 24/05/08(Wed)21:45 No. 827627

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Sometimes I crossdress in private, but I public I don't. I do dress a little femininely, and I like to carry myself in a feminine way too

Steve 24/05/08(Wed)21:49 No. 827628

Some more pics, as well as a pic of me flexing

zeneslev 24/05/08(Wed)21:59 No. 827630

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I have a video of me crossdressing, I'll only post it if I get a sick pic

symbion 24/05/09(Thu)03:32 No. 827635

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Yeahhh I 300% would. Don't worry about your appearance too much, you're heading in all the right directions. And that's a PERFECT amount of muscle for a femboy, at least by my particular patrician standards.

I think this pic is pretty sick. Post that shit

r000t 24/05/09(Thu)12:43 No. 827641

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The video of me crossdressing doesn't wanna get posted, so in the meantime, here's a pic of my ass

Marisa Kirisame 24/05/09(Thu)13:06 No. 827642

Can't download videos here so I had to screenshot it, have fun with your new fap material!

Homicide 24/05/09(Thu)13:09 No. 827643

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Also now that you've seen me crossdressing, I WANT A D_I_CK PIC

poe 24/05/09(Thu)15:46 No. 827646

Well I don't usually do this, but YOU, you've been so very kind:

Bill 24/05/09(Thu)15:49 No. 827647

Just average size, not necessarily something to write home about but there you go

He-Man 24/05/09(Thu)15:51 No. 827648

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Oh yeah give me a rating as well please, honest will do

Closet Furry 24/05/09(Thu)19:31 No. 827650

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It's a very solid 7. I don't like the veiny pens too much, but I like yours, might jack to it later

Steve 24/05/09(Thu)19:33 No. 827651

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Would you fap for me? I'll crossdress for you again if you do ;)

Novice Equestrian 24/05/09(Thu)23:31 No. 827655

I feel like this is the right time to inform you that I treat chans and life in general as an interactive art experience. Regardless of what I said, it was all done for artistic flare. I hope you treat this likewise, but if you don't, please make sure you understand the weight of the decision to airwolf with your body in a permanent way. If you're bi like all of us here - great, enjoy it, but maybe accept the sexual chemicals that your body pumps as good enough and then go from there. You're not gonna be giving birth to cute little babies and that's just the card you've been dealt, but being a biological male, sexuality and kinks aside, is actually a huge privilege, because as miserable as life might get, you can always remember that you could have been born a female and that ought to put at least a small little fleeting smile on your face. You could have been fake and gay, but you're just gay instead.

PrettyPony 24/05/10(Fri)00:17 No. 827657

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>Regardless of what I said
There is no proof that you said anything.

Bill 24/05/10(Fri)19:06 No. 827672

Nah man, I would do it with you, but really - I just want a airwolfing friend, I don't even give a airwolf about no sexy time anymore.. and then I thought, Bob Ross damn this kid might actually decide to alter his physiology for this stupid type shit we enjoy and then I no longer saw the fun. Take care, I don't even know what I'm doing here, brah.

Homicide 24/05/10(Fri)19:08 No. 827673

Btw my dick is only veiny cause I had a death grip on it. Farewell now fr

W. T. Snacks 24/05/11(Sat)08:46 No. 827687

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>I would do it with you
Stay back Homo, I am straight.

Did someone get insecure because a cute Tranny didn't rate his penis as 10/10?

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/05/11(Sat)22:32 No. 827691

That's exactly what we just witnessed. Fags like that poster will continue to be assholes and burn bridges for their entire life and never understand why... 7's not even a bad score, damn.

Bob Rossspeed femboy, don't get discouraged by angry cocks online. I wish I'd had the forethought to save your pics, you really are hot as FUARKKK

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