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ian 24/05/08(Wed)11:52 No. 827615

File 171516196091.png - (1.17MB , 1416x894 , circ not even once.png )

Uncut dicks look a million times better and it's not even close. Keep coping and seething, you mutilated, knife-rape victims.

symbion 24/05/08(Wed)12:27 No. 827617

File 171516402450.png - (789.11KB , 1224x704 , sunrise boats.png )

This is a culture-troll. I think 7chan is has the attention of agitators and propagandists.

It's fun to see them probe for responses, to see if this boilerplate material is effective.

420chan had one, we called it ChinaBot. It was fun to airwolf with because they were persistent even though their cover was blown.

They are called 'wu mao', or the 50 Cent Army, as in these state owned troll farms, a troll gets 50 cents a successful post.
I'm 90% sure that's what this is, and I've seen several that have had varying degrees of engagement/success here.

Marisa Kirisame 24/05/08(Wed)21:19 No. 827626

I'm 100% sure you're right about this. It's all so tiresome, the site's so slow so all this trash stays on the front page for so long.

Miku Fanboy 24/05/08(Wed)22:20 No. 827632

At this point, it's either Russian or Chinese

Russian is losing their pathetic conquest of Ukraine, they are also in financial ruins, so the only resources they have are troll campaigns and sucking NK or PRC dick (button peens) for food and ammo.

This explains the uptick in their activities.

Optimus Prime 24/05/09(Thu)00:11 No. 827633

What are you going to do with your shrill agitprop? :-/

>420chan had one, we called it ChinaBot. It was fun to airwolf with because they were persistent even though their cover was blown.
Ahahahah! Good times, eh?

>At this point, it's either Russian or Chinese

>Russian is losing their pathetic conquest of Ukraine, they are also in financial ruins, so the only resources they have are troll campaigns and sucking NK or PRC dick (button peens) for food and ammo.

>This explains the uptick in their activities.

Why not israelis too? Posting flat Earth (flerf) on IVchan is a good way to derail ANY discussion.

OP 24/05/09(Thu)04:31 No. 827636

>Why not israelis too?

I mentioned China and Russia because of Sources and Methods.

Homicide 24/05/09(Thu)12:01 No. 827640

8. Circumcision decreases the risk of urinary tract infection.
7. Circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men.
6. Circumcision lowers the risk of STDs.
5. Circumcision protects against penile cancer.
4. Circumcision reduces the risk of penile HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in female partners.
3. Circumcision prevents chlamydia infections and subsequent pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
2. Circumcision decreases the risk of balanoposthitis and phimosis and the later need for postneonatal circumcision.
1. Circumcision improves sexual function and creativity.

r000t 24/05/10(Fri)08:34 No. 827662

It quite literally does none of those things. This has been debunked a million times before. These lies were made up by a circumfetishist pedophile known as Brian J. Morris, and should be automatically disregarded. Also, even if it did do any of those things (it doesn't), it would not be a justifiable reason to mutilate a penis. Stop trying to justify evil, horrible things, you sick, evil, mentally ill airwolf.

Moot 24/05/10(Fri)11:51 No. 827665

It is completely irrelevant whether you got your cancer from smoking or environmental influences.

Cancer is cancer.

herp 24/05/10(Fri)16:49 No. 827666


I am so airwolfing happy the Jews came up with this, that I was mutilated as a baby, and that I have never in my life had to deal with smegma.

Second best thing that ever happened to my dick.

That gif is an awesome illustration of how time travel is absolutely airwolfing impossible: you can't just rewind time, in order to appear in the same "place" relative to where you are in the past, you'd also have to calculate the movement of the entire infinite universe to get your three-dimensional coordinates.

h 24/05/10(Fri)19:23 No. 827674

File 171536179024.png - (930.36KB , 2600x1146 , 0 vtubers who prefer uncut cocks or are anti circ.png )

Circumcised penises can still get smegma and you still need to wash your disfigured, deformed penis, you uneducated moron. You were mutilated for nothing.

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