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ian 24/05/09(Thu)22:58 No. 827654

File 171528832940.jpg - (31.69KB , 468x655 , foto_no_exif (1).jpg )

>Be me
>Live in NZ
>Power outages coz "too cold"
>Told not to heat house, charge phone
>But most importantly DO NOT charge your electric vehicle or be billed billions of dollars

The earth is heating up right guys?

tee 24/05/09(Thu)23:42 No. 827656

I would of got away with it to
If it had not been for lousy frog

W. T. Snacks 24/05/10(Fri)17:06 No. 827668

File 171535356234.jpg - (1.35MB , 2063x2441 , dsc_0032.jpg )

Die out, op. To the last of you.

r000t 24/05/12(Sun)02:00 No. 827695

Climate change is fake because it's cold where I am!

Airwolfing glass sorting bitch OP.

ian 24/05/13(Mon)14:36 No. 827742

Your thread makes me feel kinda sorry for greta. maybe she was actually right in the end...

p4ch3c0 24/05/13(Mon)15:16 No. 827745

File 171560620055.jpg - (55.73KB , 564x878 , Feels Greta (174).jpg )


Where have you been?
Her dad has been making bank from the very start
The older she gets the less like Golem she looks, which I happy for her.

h 24/05/13(Mon)15:23 No. 827746

>Her dad has been making bank from the very start

So you hate Capitalism? All of a sudden your morals are opposed to profit?

He-Man 24/05/13(Mon)21:10 No. 827752

I find this greta to be highly erotic

Mudkip 24/05/13(Mon)23:43 No. 827762

File 171563661036.jpg - (77.53KB , 1280x720 , why.jpg )

Well I went looking for more Greta in handcuffs pics

And well, got none yet this appeared in the search returns
Here's the link

maybe some anon will tells us what they find

Liru Fanboy 24/05/14(Tue)01:09 No. 827765

File 171564176158.jpg - (126.67KB , 1280x841 , Feels Greta (86).jpg )

Most Excellent, you know nothing about me
This good to know
Thank you anon


Almost grown


Go on home


Almost grown


Go on home

Hey girl

Don't be a dog all your life

Don't beg for

Some little crumb of affection

Don't try

To be somebody's wife

So young

You need a word of protection


Almost grown


Go on home

Hey girl

I've been where you are standing

Leaning in the doorway

>In your mother's black dress

So hungry

For the one understanding

Looking for a token of

Blood or tenderness


Almost grown


Go on home


Almost grown


Go on home



Liru Fanboy 24/05/14(Tue)01:32 No. 827766

File 171564315168.jpg - (69.32KB , 593x437 , jeopardy.jpg )

>Almost grown
The Answer is: Stupid shit that Americans say.

Liru Fanboy 24/05/14(Tue)02:00 No. 827769

File 171564480688.png - (66.63KB , 190x356 , 6q855i.png )

Only a pedo would have sexual intercourse with a twenty-year-old!

O.P. 24/05/14(Tue)12:00 No. 827780

It's okay we know how dumb >>827766 is
They did not even scroll down the full post
Where they might have notice the easter egg in green
Not to worry

Christian Weston Chandler 24/05/14(Tue)14:24 No. 827782

File 17156894632.jpg - (117.52KB , 1200x675 , stupid is as stupid does.jpg )

Nabukov's Lolita was a twelve-year-old girl. So not even a teenager, which Mrs Thunberg no longer is. In addition to news, there are really interesting facts to click on for free on the Internet, you should invest more time in it.

derp 24/05/14(Tue)14:49 No. 827783

hehe'd, but youre too late for that greta is already overaged and legal

He-Man 24/05/14(Tue)15:51 No. 827785



O.P. 24/05/14(Tue)15:55 No. 827786

Youtube  >>827782

or I was referring to this song

Bob Ross 24/05/14(Tue)17:42 No. 827789

This is also about a teenage girl.
>Lolita, inspired by Froom's teenage daughter, and thoughts about Ruby in the years ahead.
Dude, just be glad this is an anonymous Imageboard and let it go.

Optimus Prime 24/05/14(Tue)23:06 No. 827802

Youtube  >>827789

Fair enough anon, I've clearly shown myself to still be Suzanne Vega in 2024. Sod it, I don't care.

tee 24/05/15(Wed)00:54 No. 827803

File 171572726736.gif - (2.66MB , 414x322 , lol.gif )

Nice to meet you, Suzanne!

Liru Fanboy 24/05/15(Wed)09:35 No. 827808

Youtube  >>827803

No, today I'm Luka

W. T. Snacks 24/05/15(Wed)09:41 No. 827809

Youtube  #carmel

zeneslev 24/05/15(Wed)11:39 No. 827813

Youtube  It won't do

poe 24/05/15(Wed)13:09 No. 827815

Youtube  #dreamon

herp 24/05/15(Wed)13:55 No. 827816

File 171577415119.png - (1.15MB , 838x668 , Screen-Shot-2021-10-07-at-11_46_24-AM.png )

If you don't like where you live, move. Try move to Dallas, Tx. It's nice there.

Reimu Hakurei 24/05/15(Wed)14:48 No. 827817

File 171577732811.jpg - (89.64KB , 800x800 , Corona 2024 Dallas Tx.jpg )


>If you don't like where you live, move.

OP says they live in NZ, in the second green text line
>Live in NZ

I mean fine if you did not know NZ means New Zealand.
Top marks for the Corna lager empty case on top of the bin

Hey, anon if there was another outbreak in September or October. Could that lead to there being no election in USA this year?

Bob Ross 24/05/15(Wed)15:48 No. 827818

OP doesn't know how heat transfer works.

This is why they changed the term from "global warming" to "climate change".
The ignorant would say "colder days" meant it's fake.

Christian Weston Chandler 24/05/15(Wed)18:03 No. 827821

File 171578903579.jpg - (88.53KB , 569x445 , turtle head.jpg )


Yeah I know right, this idea that the climate changes ever is like.
The Climate has been the since Bob Ross created the earth until 1880. we all know this to be true.

Closet Furry 24/05/15(Wed)18:08 No. 827822

File 171578931174.jpg - (77.63KB , 1050x628 , Team-America-World-Police.jpg )

If OP can't leave New Zealand, we should send Team America to free him!

h 24/05/15(Wed)23:01 No. 827833

File 171580686270.jpg - (120.63KB , 1280x720 , maxresdefault (1).jpg )

You misread, that has to be the explanation for your incoherent post.

I know NZ is New Zedland. I've heard although NZ is pretty, in is a very rigid society. I suggested Op leave NZ and come here to Dallas, Tx, in the USA. It's just as pretty and you can almost do whatever you desire. A paradise that you can craft to your personal tastes and flavors.

Miku Fanboy 24/05/15(Wed)23:43 No. 827834

Tx as pretty as NZ. Are you serious? Nz is fine if you are respectful to your neighbors and don't participate in any social gatherings except very occasionally and keep a low profile.

And larger cities are just like any other city, nobody really knows anybody. You can do whatever you want. I'm not sure about the laws, but the only things I've heard about the government there is that they're pretty generous to the people. I mean, I really hear great social unrest going on there, so like whatever bro.

4chan user 24/05/16(Thu)00:06 No. 827835

Youtube  New Zealand is truly Beautiful
It also has Lucy Lawless
Sadly its part of five eyes and full of british ex and not so ex, spooks.

Move to Dallas, jes, makes think of this song

Conductor Cat 24/05/16(Thu)02:10 No. 827836

I don't know man, freedom IS beautiful.

r000t 24/05/16(Thu)11:04 No. 827837

Youtube  D

Homicide 24/05/16(Thu)11:04 No. 827838

Youtube  N

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/05/16(Thu)11:05 No. 827839

Youtube  A

[tags4lyf]PEARS 24/05/17(Fri)05:01 No. 827843

File 171591486632.gif - (439.92KB , 400x217 , 7738f6eb-c19a-4051-8a6f-7fe2826c2c7f_text.gif )

There would still be an election, it would most likely be by mail-in ballots and such.

Airwolfing love this song. <3

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