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Anyone know of a good Wizards Tower map? Mysterious Leon 17/04/19(Wed)08:57 No. 121040

File 149258504572.jpg - (242.30KB , 650x650 , nofatchx.jpg )

so I playing a fifth ed dnd game and my DM is using the "you've all been sucked into a mmo trope" So I gave him a bottle of 10 year old scotch to justify a cash shop purchase of a Bitchen wizards tower. I quit drinking don't judge, it was just taking up space. Anyhow anyone know of any good floor plans for a wizards tower?

Scathach!EgoMUSS73k 17/04/19(Wed)15:01 No. 121046

First off... what?
Second off, Google. Is. Your. Friend.
Third off, what?

Mysterious+Leon 17/04/20(Thu)06:01 No. 121078

Ive tried google and didn't really find quite what I was looking for so I thought I would ask. Besides its not like google would say if a particular module or campaign setting had a good map of a wizard tower in it. heck the third ed of mutant and masterminds had a couple of great secret base maps in it that you wouldn't find out about from just using a search engine.

Scathach!EgoMUSS73k 17/04/20(Thu)12:11 No. 121083

Google, or design your own. The 3.0ed book "Stronghold Builders Handbook" may give you some ideas.
Also, your OP did not even resemble anything coherent, and your second one wasn't much better. Carry on.

Anonymous 17/04/20(Thu)19:33 No. 121095

Tower of the Stargazer (v2)

Not traditional.... but.... LordPaul 17/04/24(Mon)06:14 No. 121249

Not your traditional wizard tower, but I have used this one and I love the layout of it....


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