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22/11/20(Sun)03:44 No. 146830 ID: 772541 [Reply]

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Give me a real reason that liking something that is popular in the real world is bad

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24/03/29(Fri)04:06 No. 147061 ID: 178c7e

If you let something's fanbase prevent you from enjoying it when you otherwise then get off the internet and then also kill yourself after

24/03/29(Fri)04:58 No. 147062 ID: 3f74d7

aversive conditioning is a thing.
you're not immune to it.

24/04/13(Sat)19:20 No. 147064 ID: 279fba

If you say so, retard

24/03/12(Tue)01:07 No. 147057 ID: edb2f2 [Reply]

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Who would really win?


Half-Life 25th Anniversary Update 23/11/20(Mon)19:11 No. 147010 ID: d4d639 [Reply]

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Happy 25th Anniversary Half-Life! I hope you remembered to pick up the free copy or tell your friends about it, and I hope you've been having fun playing it with 30k other players.

24/02/20(Tue)23:40 No. 147050 ID: 106cd1

I gotta be honest with ya, I did NOT play past the annoying part with the spires on Xen.

18/11/27(Tue)23:08 No. 145466 ID: ee01aa [Reply] [Last 50 posts]

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What year was the absolute worst for video games?

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24/01/26(Fri)13:18 No. 147034 ID: 0bd51a

Perhaps current years actually. It's sad for so much potential with newer technologies but then they have to pander to the minorities or their bias with politics.

24/01/26(Fri)13:27 No. 147035 ID: 0bd51a

The funny thing about TLOU Games are all the fans freaking out for the newest remake for the games when they're newer releases because they want updated graphics. I think they're just milking it cause they know their fans are a bunch of idiots who would pay $70+ if given the chance for a 3 year old game remake.

24/02/20(Tue)23:39 No. 147049 ID: 106cd1

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On the contrary, 2007 was such a good year for gaming that it made everyone take notice of the hobby. It led to negative consequences but it definitely wasn't a bad year.

Diablo II 24/02/16(Fri)22:42 No. 147047 ID: b87503 [Reply]

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Diablo II as an 80s Dark Fantasy Film


Video game crossovers 24/01/08(Mon)02:46 No. 147024 ID: c3a372 [Reply]

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What makes a good crossover? For me its one that puts in the effort to really explore how two different characters interact. How the personalities or powers of different games would really work if they were to meet each other, not shit like Fortnite which is just a cosmetic, all that does is have something there, but you do nothing with it.

24/02/13(Tue)11:35 No. 147046 ID: 0fd614

I think that's exactly right, the more interesting their contrast in logic and themes, the better. Like Postal Dude in Undertale/Deltarune—what does the game about the divide between player and character mean with a protagonist that VALUES your control over him because it means he's no longer morally responsible for his actions? Even if Chara is still in the picture, what does that mean when Dude by himself is already partner enough?

20/08/16(Sun)14:34 No. 146122 ID: aa1b7a [Reply]

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20/08/16(Sun)21:49 No. 146124 ID: 6ec29b


20/08/17(Mon)19:18 No. 146125 ID: aa1b7a


23/11/14(Tue)10:02 No. 147009 ID: e6c16d

Nobody is giving you money gambleshill

Indie games Alastor Ita 22/05/02(Mon)15:15 No. 146580 ID: 033f4a [Reply]

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Tell me, what prompted you to play them? Mainly their genre or the innovation they could offer their genres?

Ps. I ask this question because lately I wonder what is the component that makes an indie beautiful. Innovation in gameplay? The graphics? Or just the story?

Can it be a good game for just 1 of these components? Ex, it can be good a game whose graphics and gameplay are shitty, but is the story as good as an MGS?

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24/01/08(Mon)05:21 No. 147025 ID: d9a990


24/01/26(Fri)14:20 No. 147036 ID: 17ef0d

I've only played really part of Hollow Knight in this line up.what prompted me to play the game was just the trailer and small bit of gameplay looked good enough to pay for the game. I think the figuring out what to do next in the game is kind of a challenge sometimes but I've backtracked in many games so it wasn't too bad.

24/01/30(Tue)01:00 No. 147037 ID: 78a1c4

Game Trailers - Toggle Video

Still waiting. I want to try the DLC perhaps.

Só para Brasileiros 24/01/26(Fri)04:35 No. 147033 ID: 76b99d [Reply]

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phzix09 faz transmissões de Rocket League.

Live Link - https://www.twitch.tv/phzix09

tee 24/01/16(Tue)18:31 No. 147031 ID: cc4031 [Reply]

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is backgammon the most video of games?

24/01/17(Wed)01:21 No. 147032 ID: 2758ad

Bet I could do both at the same time.

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