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/vg/ - Video Games
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Just gonna drop this here 22/12/29(Thu)06:09 No. 146856 ID: e2de26 [Reply]

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A game demo was release for free on steam for a game called sunny side. Its just the character creator but you can share your creations including the name you make and bio to their my mother's fax machine anonymously.

Have fun =}

Free MMO 250 Player First Person Shooter JointOpsRevive 22/12/05(Mon)22:20 No. 146840 ID: 8e4888 [Reply]

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JointOps is a first person shooter for PC that focuses mainly on massive multiplayer online gameplay set in Indonesia. The conflict in Indonesia has spilled over to other parts of Asia where rebel troops have gained support in the war against Joint Ops Forces.enlist to take part in intense large scale FPS combat, in games of up to 250 players online. Use new weapons, vehicles, team tactics and strategic gameplay to dominate the battlefield.


22/12/05(Mon)22:23 No. 146841 ID: 6e1aac

Y-you too...

GameNights JointOpsRevive 22/12/05(Mon)22:55 No. 146843 ID: 8e4888

Anons Join us on saturdays at 21:00 GMT

The server is online if you want to join and mess around!

22/12/23(Fri)07:19 No. 146854 ID: 6397a4

no one wants to play your shitty knockoff shooter

How Would a Paper Mario Anime/Cartoon Work? 22/11/24(Thu)15:04 No. 146833 ID: 9f175a [Reply]

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I had this question else were but I thought I would bring it here. Just some stuff we thought of.

-Mario would be a silent protagonist
-Series would be a mix of original content with various stuffs from the games

Anyway have a nice day

22/12/19(Mon)21:56 No. 146850 ID: c9d146

Try it...

21/08/02(Mon)15:05 No. 146456 ID: 1c6c26 [Reply]

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Video games are for kids.

10 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
22/10/28(Fri)21:38 No. 146815 ID: 5f37af

Nice crab bucket posting.

No, vidya isn't for kids. It's a mature business with the shady business practices to show for it:

>I own this on Steam. I owned it before it was fully released and ever since too. I've invested hundreds of hours in it only to discover endless series of mission-ruining, strategy-impairing, and game-breaking bugs and scripting errors, play-balance issues and like kinds of frustrating, enjoyment-robbing issues with the software. Paradox's strategy seems to be to shut-down and shut-up all criticism of the company in view of the fact they know their software is flawed. It maintains tight control of their forums and even Steam pages to this end. It's as if they're engaging in a bizarre, almost mafia-esque campaign to shutter dissent or serious representations demanding accountability for their practices. Were it not a computer game company (allegedly,) one would hardly be misled believing something worse was behind it! Try criticizing them or their products yourself if you care to get a taste of this treatment and don't believe me! If they're willing to put that much effort into stamping out objections to their policies, I can only imagine what type of company this must be to work for or go up against in their native Sweden! One gets the impression they must enjoy some kind of protected status based on their behavior as a company. In any case, having tried over years now on versions ranging from .8 all the way to 2.2 to enjoy a playthrough without recurring issues with poorly-designed AI, disjunctions in everything from ship transit times, fleet movement behavior and related processes especially related to scripted/scenario events, (not to mention all the one-off undocumented, oftentimes inexplicable no-go travel/selection and AI privilege/cheating bugs/design weaknesses) I can only say it's been a huge exercise in frustration really trying to play this as a game and not an endless beta mess. Their endless "updates" break mods that were the only things keeping it working! The DLC's therefore end up really being only an on-going cash-grab scam. In all recommend avoid!

Paradox Entertainment? More like MonkeyPox Entitlement, amirite?

22/10/28(Fri)21:39 No. 146816 ID: 5f37af

>"hey mom, can I play tomb raider? Lara's ass looks fine"
No, we have a Tomb Raider at home.

22/12/17(Sat)06:36 No. 146848 ID: 94380b

A mom's are for my dick.

22/12/01(Thu)08:18 No. 146836 ID: f80cd5 [Reply]

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Anyone here playing all star battle?

22/12/01(Thu)09:17 No. 146837 ID: 23ce09

I played a demo for R version on Steam.

22/12/05(Mon)05:51 No. 146839 ID: 359f62

I enjoy it

Simple anon 22/11/11(Fri)21:46 No. 146827 ID: 85fa55 [Reply]

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I'm looking for some nextbot for garry's mod that has the same model as the player who respawned it, is there such a

21/08/03(Tue)13:45 No. 146461 ID: 1c6c26 [Reply]

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When I was a kid back in 2004 on a hot summer morning, I was playing my favourite game Halo: combat evolved on my original Xbox drinking my favourite orange juice SunnyD. I started up the level The silent cartographer, but something was wrong. Instead of that iconic cutscene with the two pelican dropping chief and the marines off, Chief was just standing on the beach with all the marines dead around him with no covenant in sight. All the marines were covered in blood with their mouths wide open, "did Master Chief do this?" I thought to myself out loud as I sipped on my ice cold SunnyD. The sky was pitched black and the ocean was blood red like that scene from Neon Genesis Evangelion. Suddenly the screen went to 3rd person and Master Chief turn 360 degrees looked in the camera and said "N I G G E R". I was shocked how could Master Chief say something like that. My Dad storms in to my room angrily, "did you just say the n word". I pointed at my tv and told him Master Chief said it, but the game went back to normal with the marines and Covenant fighting one another. My Dad still mad takes off his belt and starts whipping me. I cry out in pain, the SunnyD spilling all over me soaking me to the bone. My Dad wobbles away slamming the door behind him, I cry laid down in a puddle of SunnyD. I look up at my tv, Master Chief's face looking at me with his blood red visor, A Nightcore version of Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away Starts playing in the background. "Why are you doing this" I said to Master Chief, He looked at me and said "Reply to this post or your Mother will die in her sleep tonight". I tell him I don't understand, he starts laughing evilly, the music getting louder and louder, I scream so loud I passed out.

I don't know if it was real or not to this day, but that face...that damn face still keeps me up at night.

22/10/31(Mon)10:57 No. 146820 ID: 24fdc5

What a fycking classic.

Help 21/08/04(Wed)09:40 No. 146462 ID: 725fda [Reply]

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Help me please 😭
I'm looking for a fashion mobile game.
It looked like Fashion Empire and the Fashionista one.
The start up screen shows 3 girls dressed like Greek goddesses

It looked so beautiful.
Help me please

22/10/23(Sun)13:42 No. 146811 ID: 0fc516

Jojo's Fashion Show, franchise by Iwin inc
Very nostalgia game that i play with my sisters in cousin pc.

TF2 Halloween 2022 Moment Kierbee 22/10/15(Sat)18:32 No. 146806 ID: a7ccba [Reply]

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>open tf2
>queue for Crasher
>the game freezes and crashed the moment that map loads

22/10/16(Sun)13:00 No. 146807 ID: c942b8

Didn't happen to me.

Screenshot Thread 21/07/15(Thu)06:33 No. 146442 ID: 2f318d [Reply]

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Just post some screenshots.

21/07/19(Mon)02:41 No. 146443 ID: d89267

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Okay.... am I doing it right??

21/07/21(Wed)19:20 No. 146447 ID: c7ecd4

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New gtavo update is pretty fun

22/10/15(Sat)05:19 No. 146805 ID: a12e6d

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Street Fighter V vs Virtua Fighter 6

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