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John Smith 20/07/23(Thu)04:09 No. 47472 [Reply]

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Oh no, I put a few too many diced carrots into my chicken soup. The concern is not the flavour that carrots lack but the colour dominance and liquid volume per bowl.

15 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
John Smith 24/01/20(Sat)23:54 No. 48760

Raw carrot sticks and houmous
Work really well together


I look back now and think the carrot postings there weren't that bad

Then again thing just get worse don't they

John Smith 24/04/07(Sun)01:34 No. 48882

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>Resistance becomes a duty when you live in a police state.

No it becomes a survival skill

>Why is Assange in jail, but Clinton isn't?

One of them is an international gangstar, I'll let you work it out

>Why did Snowden throw away his life to warn Americans about the dangers of tyranny?

Did he? Assange is in jail he is not....

>How can officials and the Gestapo take an oath to defend the Constitution and then violate it everyday? Is a paycheck more important than freedom?
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John Smith 24/04/08(Mon)09:00 No. 48889

which american said that?

John Smith 22/09/22(Thu)21:01 No. 48342 [Reply]

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I am getting a new phone.
It has an OLED screen and is from Sony.

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John Smith 23/02/08(Wed)08:45 No. 48559

That reminds me, I went to Canada once. I wasn’t there for 2 hours before my parents decided to eat at some little mall cafe in Atikokan, and the person I was talking to mentioned poutine & insisted I run across the street and get some to try. So I grabbed it & brought it over and ate at the little cafe table with my parents, & the owner gave me a bunch of dirty looks & his wife came over and yelled at me & kicked me out like 2 bites in. Apparently that little cafe full of people in muddy boots ordering sandwiches is like a high class joint there, and not a casual cafe. I think poutine is probably good, but I didn’t see any sign of polite Canadianness everyone talks about.

John Smith 23/02/10(Fri)21:26 No. 48562

Dear John,

I know what an OLED is but I don't really know or care if anything I own has one. Over the past year and change, I've been through 4 laptops because at some point I get drunk and kick it off the bed one too many times or something else and then the screen breaks and I'm fucked and need to buy a new one. But along the way I got the second cheapest goyphone at walmart to use as a wifi hotspot and I'll be damned if that thing doesn't get dropped on its head sometimes multiple times a day and the screen doesn't shatter. So if that's the power of OLED or if that's the power of Finnish plastics, I'll give it a big thumbs up because I don't want to have to buy another one.

Regardless, the world has come a long way from the early 2000s when my car broke down in the middle of the woods and I perched my laptop in the engine bay to use as a light to fix it by, and then dumb me forgot to set the laptop on the ground before bumping the starter and it tossed my dear laptop out of the engine bay and shattered the screen :(

With all the best to see you well in the future,

John Smith 23/02/19(Sun)10:13 No. 48573

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Everyone just calls for help now, they don't even pretend to look at the engine

PROTIP: never use a cell phone again

John Smith 22/08/21(Sun)19:24 No. 48285 [Reply]

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I scheduled my vacation for this year. I am going back to my home city to celebrate my niece's 16th birthday. I plan on filming ten seconds of every hour of the trip and editing it into one video. I won't upload it anywhere.

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John Smith 24/02/23(Fri)17:54 No. 48773

was he catcalling or making comical remarks about your physique?

Poor guy probably hasnt gotten laid in forever and may have entitlement syndrome.

John Smith 24/02/24(Sat)06:32 No. 48775

I don't care what his motivations were or if it was "comical" or not. I had only known him for seven or so minutes before the incident.

John Smith 24/02/26(Mon)19:34 No. 48779

This is why adults need corporal punishment.
People think corporal punishment is needed for juvenile misbehavior but nobody bothers to do the same for adults, especially adult males.

John Smith 24/02/17(Sat)15:04 No. 48764 [Reply]

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Brazil is FULL OF CHEAP PROSTITUTES. Is closer to USA and Europe than Asia, than Thailand. Literally, come to Brazil.

I'm a crab, and I fucked 90 cheap succubi-prostitutes, and 10 regular succubi already. But I'm still lonely and I still never had a girlfriend :-/

John Smith 24/02/17(Sat)15:04 No. 48765

Is life in, say, middle class areas of Sao Paulo safe?
Or is it dangerous.
I have a friend there, and worried.

John Smith 24/02/17(Sat)15:05 No. 48766

The center regions of any city of Brazil is safe. Because there is police there. And everyone fears the brazilian police. I, a regular citizen, fear the brazilian police.

But in most brazilian cities, the external parts of the cities, the peripheries, is where the police barely goes, and it's where the gangs live and the assaults happen.

But, in the end, Brazil is a slave country, and the police is here to force everyone to work and pay taxes to the government.

John Smith 23/10/29(Sun)19:42 No. 48732 [Reply]

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I threw up twice in one week.

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John Smith 23/12/11(Mon)20:36 No. 48739


That's odd so do I

John Smith 23/12/30(Sat)09:13 No. 48741

Wasn't expecting to see other liquid drinking fans here

John Smith 24/01/01(Mon)20:04 No. 48742

Drinking liquid could be dangerous

John Smith 23/09/25(Mon)18:51 No. 48722 [Reply]

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https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DxmzymDIBdhsuzTlUytuYclefcELefsC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iLLJoa7D4kUrvxt3qfAAAi61zLAJDNDd?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1UceYrz8dCsozAw0zs_QCTO8kTyW2yWcc?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PsHCnB4gPqEOhjOXGsLTa4VuhaeLstgC?usp=drive_link, https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/197DwynBiDdJlVVXmY7D3NF7LUcZsknhi?usp=drive_link

11 Months of physical and psychological torture to "get me to eat vegetables" (make better life choices). I found out they were pedophiles and they've ruined my life. Audio files contain all the torture, beratement, humiliation I endure 24/7 and to this very moment done by illegally bombarding me with EM radiation (sound is in the air). Videos, images, text documents contain information I've been collecting, cars that I've seen following me all over the country, etc... it may not all be accurate, but I'm fearing for my life and not sure how much longer I have to live. I most likely now have cancer from prolonged em radiation exposure and have severe PTSD from the trauma they caused me. Patterns emerge over time, and the pattern is clear: I was never supposed to know this was happening, and because I found out, they've been ruining my life in various terrible ways using technology and social engineering. As far as I can tell, they've been doing damage control for months now, perpetuating the whole ordeal while keeping everyone else who is involved in the dark while they tried to figure out what to do with/about me. Now most people involved know that they've been lied to and that I never consented to any of this nor wanted it in the first place. Even to this very moment as I type I'm hearing, "nobody is going to believe. just kill yourself" over and over. I'm not sure if anybody can help me and I'm suicidal at this point, not because I want to die, but because I've been tortured for 11 months now with no end in sight all to emotionally blackmail me into not doing things they don't want me to like leaving my own house or eating sugar. I was literally actually tortured (isolation, sleep deprivation, drugging, shocking, food/water deprivation, and beratement) for 2 weeks straight earlier this year until they coerced a "confession" out of me to both use as emotional blackmail and to shift their blame o Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

John Smith 24/01/01(Mon)20:15 No. 48749

is this the
>This is the thousandth time I have been raped by God

I have to admit as blsphemous as that was I found it pretty funny. At least you aren't serious

John Smith 20/04/11(Sat)09:58 No. 47273 [Reply]

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John Smith 23/10/13(Fri)18:31 No. 48729


Dear John,

They removed that page from their website.
So am I to conclude that 'How many people died from hunger'. Is now not even a Particularly uninteresting conversation.
It just means nothing, is nothing.

kindest regards


John Smith 24/01/01(Mon)20:09 No. 48746


John Smith 24/01/05(Fri)00:21 No. 48752



John Smith 22/12/23(Fri)23:01 No. 48466 [Reply]

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I have a lung infection, I've had it for well over 8 years.
Just found out today I'm infectious.
So glad we only talk to each other over the internet, wouldn't have won't to infect you.
Have happy Christmas

Fondest regards


P.S. Thankfully my doctor gave me antibiotics I can drink on

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John Smith 22/12/28(Wed)23:15 No. 48473

Careful, they consider some insanely vague shit a proper diagnosis

John Smith 22/12/29(Thu)02:04 No. 48475

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I'm free and clear got results back today, now just need to not tell anyone. So I don't have put with the fake do you want come out and play, it's party time.

I am going find out what it was, though, nasty.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:08 No. 48539

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Oh good

John Smith 23/01/12(Thu)05:45 No. 48484 [Reply]

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Dear John,

It's been a long time since I've been here last. I lament the death of the internet, but I am a part of it.
What do you miss from a few years ago? I miss forums. I miss this sense of community, it's long gone and I feel it won't come back.


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John Smith 23/01/22(Sun)09:45 No. 48531

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GameFAQs having an actual community was fucking great, and I never realized how important it was to my enjoyment of actually fun video games until I recently looked, and everyone is gone. I shudder to think of what a new FAQ would look like for the latest SMT, probably lacking ASCII art which would jump my poor heart

John Smith 23/01/22(Sun)13:27 No. 48534

Doesn't GameFAQs still have a somewhat active community?
I still go there for walkthroughs when I get stuck in a game.

John Smith 23/01/23(Mon)14:03 No. 48535

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Only for the shitty AAA titles. Like the new Pokemon board still gets a FAQ made for it, but the actual message board is full of retards

John Smith 22/03/04(Fri)15:53 No. 48096 [Reply]

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John Smith 22/03/18(Fri)20:00 No. 48145

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