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/eh/ - Particularly uninteresting conversation
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John Smith 20/11/06(Fri)05:40 No. 47582 [Reply]

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Hi, 7chan.
I live in country which is one big 'eh' with no hopes and opportunities. I've lost any dreams in the depth of road mud. Any business I have tried is lying and becoming covered with the dust now. I will never find gf and favourite hobby. The only fantasy I have is to kill myself.

The last of regular commited suicides at my university was at May. I think I might be the next. Not because some difficulties with study, but because there is no reason to continue living.

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John Smith 20/11/26(Thu)03:59 No. 47626

Agreed, people need help through hard times not just sulfates and diagnoses

John Smith 20/12/01(Tue)01:11 No. 47636

Honestly if I see somebody depressed and the main thrust of their argument is tfw no gf then I assume they are in their late teens/early 20s and going through difficult mental changes. I know because I've been there. I don't know what else you want me to say. Nothing else can be done but learning to adjust to adulthood.

John Smith 20/12/04(Fri)14:42 No. 47643

But still. Youth depression ismt always wanton for relationships.
And what about older people desparate for companionship? I see alot of that around. And theyre not condemned or looked down on for that.

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)09:38 No. 47713 [Reply]

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Well another payday rolled around, this time I managed to plan for bills, so that's nice.
How's your day John?

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)10:35 No. 47714

I'm glad to here things are going well John. Sounds like a load of stress off your shoulder.

My day is good. I made some taco soup and put quinoa in the water; it absorbed the flavor and was delicious. I think I'll try this again.

John Smith 21/02/16(Tue)12:41 No. 47715

It was. That sounds nice, glad to hear you're trying new things.

John Smith 22/06/14(Tue)19:49 No. 48240 [Reply]

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For years I've been trying hard to get in to a private mechanical engineering school in Pennsylvania and run the Swiss. I did well on the exams and the proctors during interviews were very happy to talk to me and dropped hints I'm accepted on the spot.

However, I don't know if I am accepted or not. Every day is nice outside, but I'm empty and can't do anything.

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John Smith 22/06/29(Wed)23:52 No. 48250

John, did you see me ask for advice?

John Smith 22/07/02(Sat)22:16 No. 48251


John Smith 22/09/04(Sun)09:28 No. 48306

Hello John.

I hope that you've now received notice of your acceptance into the school in question.
And if no such letter of approval has been received, I hope that you'll find something else to do

John Smith 20/04/18(Sat)21:59 No. 47279 [Reply]

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Hey John.
I've been addicted to masturbation for a while now, started at an early age and it has now become a daily thing. I really want to put an end to this cause it's unethical and I feel disgusting afterwards. Has anyone been through the same situation? Were you able to put an end to it?
I'm a woman btw if that's relevant

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John Smith 21/02/18(Thu)05:56 No. 47721

Well, I guess you'll have to eat in my stead then.

John Smith 21/02/22(Mon)01:06 No. 47726


Ok, this has been puzzling me for many, many months now
>it's unethical
What's unethical?
(Wanking is unethical?, well that is real /eh/?)

And seeing how I'm asking a question I'll answer one of your's
>Were you able to put an end to it?
Well rubbing one out is way easier and fast for women and I can't say, I had as bad problem as bad you say you have.
Yes I have total control over my wanking.


John Smith 21/03/27(Sat)04:35 No. 47746

Agreed, what do you find unethical about wanking as a woman? You can't even say that you're wasting life, because the fact of whether you cum or not doesn't change whether an egg will get fertilized or become blood in your panties(many women can attest to this, sadly), nor does a thought of whatever you fap to really do anything. Unless you're somehow using kids or animals to get you off, I don't really see the issue here. Perhaps fapping in itself is not the issue here?

John Smith 20/12/17(Thu)13:04 No. 47656 [Reply]

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Dear John,

Forgive me, I wasn't paying the slightest attention to where I posted.

So much was I overwhelmed by my satisfaction with the new tomato bucket.

It is smaller than its predecessor, but I see this as a feature: it takes up less space in the refrigerator, and packs of tomatoes rarely filled the old one.


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John Smith 21/01/21(Thu)14:10 No. 47696

Not to disagree John, but I mostly eat them as snacks.

Once in a while I chop a few up for a salad.

John Smith 21/02/26(Fri)16:42 No. 47729

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Dear John,

Tomato Bucket 2.0 has made a friend.

This is ice bucket.


John Smith 21/02/26(Fri)18:21 No. 47730

Dear John,

Im glad your tomato bucket has been gifted with a new friend.

Your friend

John Smith 23/10/27(Fri)23:31 No. 48731 [Reply]

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I find it abhorent that people tend to ignore me and close the door before I even mention Jehova. One man thought I'd come about the car crash he had the previous day. Asked if jehova was the other driver.

John Smith 24/01/01(Mon)20:09 No. 48745

Jesus said He comes when you least expect it, so beating that niggas annoying ass is a possibility

John Smith 24/02/23(Fri)19:32 No. 48774

I usually know to expect it when he shouts something about how he finna busssss

John Smith 20/08/20(Thu)00:39 No. 47508 [Reply]

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August is a pretty meh month aside from the frankly hostile heat. I much prefer fall.

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John Smith 24/02/28(Wed)23:03 No. 48782

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The thing I don't like about fall is the lack of daylight. I hate leaving work when it's dark, it feels like the day is over at 5.

We are having one of the least snowy winters on record. It is currently 47 degrees here. It's actively raining. Not normal at all.

John Smith 24/03/10(Sun)03:06 No. 48788

People from my area are now calling on the government to provide aid to seasonal businesses due to the loss of revenue.

John Smith 24/03/21(Thu)02:32 No. 48798

The state killing jobs and closing companies is not a win.

John Smith 22/03/08(Tue)08:15 No. 48105 [Reply]

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I got this captcha and I though eh that looks like the pingas meme

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John Smith 22/08/11(Thu)12:54 No. 48282

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This computer looks like it is hailing a cab

John Smith 22/09/08(Thu)05:34 No. 48315

that computer makes me ask "who's johnny"

John Smith 22/09/23(Fri)16:47 No. 48344

That looks like a very expensive commercial cheese grater. Is that how they recolor cheeses after they're made?

John Smith 20/09/13(Sun)16:28 No. 47519 [Reply]

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Hey John,

Do you feel particularly uninteresting because the interesting times have passed? Or perhaps that they have yet to come? The isolation as of late surely hasn't helped but what's your prognosis John?

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John Smith 24/01/16(Tue)01:51 No. 48754

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Never be hopeful about fair elections

John Smith 24/01/19(Fri)03:00 No. 48758

tbh I dont think people really care about fairness and equality. They just like drama. Ever notice all the mild mannered politicians are often forgotten and pushed aside?

John Smith 24/03/18(Mon)02:31 No. 48793

It's a combination of the economy as you pointed out, as well as the effects of Covid. A lot of people I know, including myself, got so used to isolating that it became comfortable for them. Around 1/3 of the people I knew became shut-ins after Covid.

Are you truly content John? I lived the same way for years and convinced myself that I was content. Perhaps I genuinely was. However, I slowly started getting this itching feeling that maybe I was missing out on something. That feeling grew stronger to the point that it became an anxiety.

Finally my anxiety over potentially wasting my life grew so loud that I couldn't peacefully sit at home anymore. The only solution, I figured, was to force myself to go out. I started meeting with my friends again, rekindling old connections, planning trips, and even signing up for yoga classes, going rock climbing, and even hopping on online dating.

It's been anything but comfortable, but that being said, it's been exhilarating. I've experienced some lows, but I've also experienced some highs that I did not know existed. For example, pulling a sweet girl who likes you close and cuddling her while you stroke her hair is a feeling I'd not experienced before, but that brought me great joy unlike anything else in life. I would have not known of this pleasure had I resigned myself to my previous life.

Of course there are lows too - I've experienced embarrassment from making multiple faux pas or just generally being awkward, as well as experiencing the heartache of feeling a romantic interest slip away from you. Still though, it's been a more eventful 6 months than the previous 4 years combined.

John Smith 24/03/09(Sat)22:49 No. 48787 [Reply]

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I had to post this somewhere

Post other you will die without reposting things in this thread

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