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Suppose Diogenes and Buddha meet Anonymous 21/11/27(Sat)18:55 No. 14847 ID: 4a1e6d [Reply]

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What would they say to each other, assuming they would overcome the language barrier?

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Anonymous 22/01/19(Wed)08:59 No. 14891 ID: 7cb4c3

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Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)12:58 No. 14903 ID: 273d68

get out of my sun normie

Anonymous 22/02/25(Fri)18:01 No. 14906 ID: 91c4fb

“Is there a dragon howl in a dead tree?”
“I say there’s a lion roar in a skull.”

Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)17:56 No. 14904 ID: 805cea [Reply]

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I'm starting to think that adults are the ones with a penchant for make-believe rather than children.

Seriously. Ask the average adult about natural science and see how much they know.
Some will even deny it as "NWO bullshit."

But, they somewhat seem to know about every and any urban myth under the sun.

If kids are laughed at for believing in Santa and the tooth fairy, how are grown ass men applauded for believing that the earth is flat?

Adults seem to care more about metaphors and abstractions rather than the technical/physical world in front of them.

How many counselling books about marriage, work, and family must be written and collect dust on boomers' personal shelves?

Anonymous 22/02/20(Sun)18:50 No. 14905 ID: 273d68

are you experienced? have you ever been experienced? well I am.

Anyone into Stoicism? Anonymous 22/02/11(Fri)15:55 No. 14901 ID: 42f424 [Reply]

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I wanted to share this related philosophy my mother's fax machine server. It mostly is about Stoic philosophy but it is the one community I have found that talks about philosophical things in a meaningful way.

my mother's fax machine.com/invite/PY32FhARed

Anonymous 22/02/11(Fri)15:56 No. 14902 ID: 42f424

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They don't let you say that word here.

A Textual Tour of the Dire-Straited Zoo of Philosophy Logophile&!.AZst4fcpI 22/02/08(Tue)21:46 No. 14898 ID: a24d1a [Reply]

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A Textual Tour of the Dire-Straited Zoo of Contemporary Online Philosophical Discussion, Including the Most Popular Exhibits of Hateful Heidebearians, Asinine Aristotterelians And Woeful Wittgenlionians (Random Words, Showerthoughts, Google Translate, Thesaurus Masturbation and GPT-3 Text [According to My Various Censors and Commenters])

On sea-faring adventure dans le navire noble of epistemophilic polymathglot anthropopoesis, rápidamente the disjecta membra of anti-glossolalist hate comments and general Hass vers my logorrheic, phanopoeic and fairly Buddhic lexical endeavours est devenu más común than your modest decollated wordsmith would have tolutiloquently befürchtet. No solo have heresiological I and meine humble altigrams ya he atraído my fair share of chuckleheaded e-Feinde, that además de not supporting la stylistique bohème of my lex orandi, credendi textwork, are sehr eager poster headstrong (pour moi pulchritudinous) “hate comments” acerca de my wooly-minded, fickle, pig-brained blog, and qui are happy 禁止する my innocent compte for simplemente trying widerstehen the menticidal hyporeality of worldwide linguistic hegemony, et erklären the whence, how and whither of my ontos. Bevor I continue avec my in equal parts panlogist, Thelemite and Mahasamadhi autophany, je sens it is incumbent responder to the Orwellian defamation, deplatforming and expurgation con which my many bowdlerised, puerile and zweifellos green-eyed monoglotic/kakodaemonic (quelle est la différence?) critics have lambasted saya. As a good 友達, Néricault once dit, “La critique est aisée, et l’art est difficile.” The lang and drôle story of how I échappé the acculturation process, became an Ipsissimus logophile (mit aphantasic detractors and simulacrum-befuddled Lassallists galore!), is clairement nein of great Interesse to the diversivolent cultureme-spewing online landlubbers who have made up their labile and instinctual pendapat que my Daseinal project is trop zenitic, aleatoric and polyphrenic for their definitionistic ego quests and xenocentric cakeism, and have juberously 決定しました to jettison their blunt torpedoes of bon mots στο the impeccant vaporetti of my pot-valiant translingual journey. Peut-être the sonar of this smatchet of a cynical polymonster kapal should have kenned these erotophobic epiphenomenalists from the get-go, mais it seems the raging high seas of Malinchist sociocultural embeddedness, and the torrents of omphaloparetic philoptosis are unmöglich échapper. Mi única esperanza now is que the pareidolic riptides and metataxic crosscurrents of criticism continue dejarme and my jugendlich, syncromystic mente only tickled pink.

Blog Link Logophile&!q8J1mU5gLE 22/02/08(Tue)21:47 No. 14899 ID: a24d1a


thomas hobbes Anonymous 20/02/06(Thu)14:34 No. 14396 ID: 039ce5 [Reply]

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hey guys, history BA student here, just watching a lecture on hobbes, wondering why more people didn't embrace his idea of focusing more upon government and the right of the citizen as a response to this shitty world throughout history? would love to hear your opinions.

Anonymous 20/02/06(Thu)18:43 No. 14399 ID: 9f02ee

Because his ideas were more the product of witnessing the toxicity of politics, in the run up to, and the rhetoric of, the English civil war. His ideas have to be seen in that context. He wasnt merely publishing a political tract, he was nailing his colours to the mast, so to speak. He was simply stating what he thought the new politics should be about, and by writing it down was also creating a way to explain himself in a court of law if his side failed to win and incase he was prosecuted.
He produced conflicting political positions regarding whether the people consent to be ruled by a monarchy or not. In other words, whether, or not, simply allowing a king to rule implies consent.
His ideas were stale after the civil war and in fact I believe he went overseas to escape possible prosecution during the Civil war. I have always thought Hobbes ideas were merely written to justify his support of the monarchy and to provide a way of arguing his case if Cromwell had wanted to put him on trial
After the civil war his ideas were just old fashioned, debate had moved on

Anonymous 20/02/06(Thu)18:48 No. 14400 ID: 9f02ee

Forgot to add that, even though his writings regarding his love of the monarchy were largely forgotten, it is still the case that he wrote both in defence of the monarch and then when cromwell appeared to be winning Hobbes wrote his political tracts regarding the rights of the ordinary man

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:02 No. 14889 ID: 182caf

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You can keep delving this line of thought. To me it all ends into a lethal shoot-out against the IRS.

Invent/create to commune with God Anonymous 19/10/03(Thu)16:26 No. 14198 ID: 5d874a [Reply]

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So recently, I have been replaying Wolfenstein: the New Order. Within the game, there is the ancient secret mystical society of Da'at Yichud.

It's regarding them I wanted to ask a question. Within the game, their practices are based on pure reason and are described as a way of understanding God through knowledge and natural law. They invent, create and discover as a method of communing with God.

I was wondering if there is any IRL religion/philosophy that's similar to that of the Da'at Yichud?

13 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 20/05/01(Fri)17:27 No. 14476 ID: aef41d

>I'm not wrong!
>I'm a flat-earther
Pick one, retard.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14887 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

Anonymous 22/01/17(Mon)00:00 No. 14888 ID: 182caf

This remembers me about Babel's tower.

A Quote From HP Lovecraft. Anonymous 20/07/14(Tue)21:45 No. 14571 ID: 8bb3c7 [Reply]

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Lovecraft makes reference to a social phenomenon noticed in much less poetic terms by Nietzsche in his work "The Mad Man" several decades prior.
The phenomenon is in broad terms what some would call "The Death of God" or, perhaps more literally the discovery of the origins of man as a biological organism shaped through the whims of nature without great interference from a creator at any given point.
It was Lovecraft's assertion (as well as Nietzsche interestingly) that the ensuing conclusions of such knowledge would either force man into emotional reasertions of such superstitions as he had been originally disposed to (IE Fascism, Fundamentalism, Theocracy) or the complete and utter abandonment of all values including self preservation towards an end of ultimate insanity and destruction (IE Communism, Anarchism, Nihilism).
It is between these two conclusions that the vast majority of the 20th was fought.
And while they may SEEM to be the only conclusions given the data i believe there is a third option.
IE the Understanding of Man as biological organism and the objective and inherent purpose that entails.
This has been realized (albeit imperfectly) in the form of National Socialism which, while only briefly attempted in Germany, can and should create an objective morality around which human beings can orient their lives.
All things from sex, to murder to breathing can be understood to be objectively good or bad in so far as they either help or hinder the procreation of ones genes as their objectively and undeniably evolutionary creatures in the material world with the objective and express purpose to pass on as much of their genetic material as possible.
This is thus the next step in the philosophical journey of western man and that which will give us objective meaning and an objectively true morality to organize our societies on the basis of.

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Anonymous 20/10/29(Thu)22:30 No. 14617 ID: aa1b38

So you wrote that long a wall of text just to drive the same threadbare nihilistic point home?

Anonymous 20/10/30(Fri)03:16 No. 14620 ID: 7cb4c3

Value can be natural, value can be universal even. Without assigning value, the term itself implies a superior function.

Anonymous 22/01/16(Sun)23:54 No. 14885 ID: 182caf

You don't understand: the realization of God's tenets as a law is a burden, not a alleviation.

If you do delve into the eldritch, it doesn't leave you away just like that. NO matter how much pretty your morals and objectioves for mankind may be.

Just thought of this lol shademocker12 21/12/31(Fri)23:33 No. 14877 ID: b414be [Reply]

Yo, I'm a normal retard and I just thought of something I think is cool. I wrote it down. Here it is.

"Humans have free will, and are simultaneously determined. This determination is outside of their perception, which is why they have free will. The proof for why we are determined is in the fact that every reasonable or tangible thing requires a reason to exist. This text file would not exist if I had not typed it. Human beings themselves as well as their physical and mental states and thus decisions would not exist either without reasons.

Despite this determination, the human race in each individual experience is ignorant of it. This is why we have free will. It is not an illusion. It is real to us, and the reason for why it is real is not something we can describe. But just because we can't describe it doesn't make it not real. We know it is real on the basis that we can perceive it. It does not need to be described.

We have the choice to embody a wide selection of dualistic things. Good or evil, truth or falsehood, Half truth or half truth. Any mix of things can be embodied by a human, but all of these things are dualistic, including mixes of things like half truths.

The world is sick.

Humans can either be perfect or imperfect. More precisely, the components of a human being are fundamentally the following. Morality, Health, and Purity. People can be good or evil, unhealthy or healthy, or pure or impure. If someone is good, healthy, and pure, then they are perfect. Most children are this way. If someone is deficient in any one of these categories, they are imperfect.
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Anonymous 21/12/03(Fri)15:49 No. 14864 ID: d1a90b [Reply]

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You start any idea of by presenting why its important.
I don't know how I could possibly justify how important this Idea you are about to read is.
I have to contain myself from not writing profanity over my lack of words for how imperative it is for society as a whole that this idea be understood by its leaders.

Its better to be a loud retard, than a quiet genius, this idea will present itself brash, in a hurry, profane as it is profound.

The short version:
Memes are a mind virus, a parasite upon their host, they control your motivation, what you want, and makes you want to serve its replication rather than the other way around as was its original function.

The virus.
A virus used to be ​a phenotypic machine, a product of and or a function of the phenotype, depending on how you look at it.
The machines that operate within your body may seem friendly, but they are in fact selfish, your body trust their machines will operate you for your benefit, but this may not always be the case and this very trust by your body will portray a major weakness.
Because the only thing that keeps your machines and functions in line with the interest of the phenotype is the constraints that the phenotype presents.
The phenotype will prove a major handicap to the replicators it hosts, and this handicap is what makes the replicators inside your body seem friendly.
But if the constraints is in any way lifted, by for instance being able to change body, switching to a different phenotype will lift the constraints these replicators would otherwise have.
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Anonymous 21/12/03(Fri)15:58 No. 14865 ID: d1a90b

I honestly should proofread this before I click post.
>The motivation that people under the influence of the meme has, gradually goes from spreading themselves, to spreading the gene.
Should be changed to:
The motivations that people under the influence of the meme has, gradually goes from spreading the gene to spreading the meme.

Anonymous 21/12/04(Sat)01:28 No. 14866 ID: 73b1ac

who cares faget

Anonymous 21/12/17(Fri)10:30 No. 14870 ID: d841a3

I just wanna get fucked in amazon position by my mom

Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) Patreon and Public youtube channles download Anonymous 21/12/15(Wed)14:57 No. 14869 ID: d49d9a [Reply]

CRP Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) Patreon 5€ Tier Exclusive Video (10 Dec 21)




CRP Coach Red Pill (Gonzalo Lira) Patreon 10€ Tier Exclusive Video (10 Dec 21)

Coach Red Pill youtube channel:

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