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On the Origin of Life, Ideas for a sustenible capitalism user3234532 21/12/03(Fri)14:55 No. 14862 ID: 3b19dc [Reply]

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Youth ≠ Innocence/Idealism Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)06:00 No. 14821 ID: 05bf3b [Reply]

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I know people will disagree with me, but I'm tired of society treating under-25 as helpless puppies that shouldn't be allowed ANY form of independence.

I hate how whenever a young person makes a mistake or has a flaw, they attribute to youth, yet older people can be flawed and accident-prone and still have their personhood respected.

I especially hate how when it comes to young criminals, they assume that because they're young that they were "indoctrinated/misguided". No they're not. They knew what they were doing.
Especially when it comes to statutory rape. Alot of cases of man-on-girl "rape" are initiated by the minor. These young girls are worldly-ambitious and will do anything to have a taste of riches and adoration. It's only when the money and gifts stop coming that they yell "RAPE!"

Our society punishes young people whom show worldly-awareness and cynicism. Children are being forced into positivity. Any child who likes dark/edgy humor or isn't into the whole happy-go-lucky overtness that children are assumed to have are seen as defective.

This idea of youth as innocence/idealism is moral passive-agression from adults.
It's why adolescence was invented, why helicopter parenting and zero-tolerance rules are allowed to smother kids to death.

Then adults have the nerve to wonder why the newer generations are supposedly "declining"?

I'm sorry, but the social-legal invention of Childhood-as-Eden was a recent development from the 19th century that was realized in the 1940s.
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Anonymous 21/11/29(Mon)07:11 No. 14848 ID: a0ae1e

>>14838>lol you JUSS mad bcuz mommy won't let you play Xbox after nine!

You don't get it don't you?

Anonymous 21/11/29(Mon)13:44 No. 14849 ID: 15c902

I see a pedo trying to justify statutory rape

Anonymous 21/11/29(Mon)21:23 No. 14850 ID: eb5b27

How does talking about the moral/social inequality against youth translate into pedophilia?

Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)20:31 No. 14824 ID: 15744d [Reply]

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How long do I have to study philosophy before I can start speaking/writing like this?

Anonymous 21/10/22(Fri)04:22 No. 14825 ID: d2a5e8

There's nothing stopping you from being a pretentious twat right now. You just need to take the first step.

Anonymous 21/11/19(Fri)00:43 No. 14844 ID: 90d962

If you want to sound smart study English Writing.

Egoist God Anonymous 21/08/23(Mon)04:54 No. 14793 ID: 619747 [Reply]

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Imagine God is an egoist. After all, if man is modeled after God, and man is inherently self-interested, it would make sense for God to be so too. Why would humanity matter to God? What use would man serve to God? If God doesn't care about us, are we essentially godless?

Anonymous 21/08/31(Tue)09:46 No. 14799 ID: 041363

god for me is a guy in lab suit looking into a telescope, hes probably an ordinary guy in "god land", and the same for his god infinatly

Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)20:16 No. 14823 ID: a5b5d8

Wait, what if God also believes in a God above him?

Free will is fake Anonymous 21/03/07(Sun)13:37 No. 14688 ID: 7c7beb [Reply]

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If our behavior is dictated by nature and nurture then where is the free will at. Nature is our innate neurology and nurture is the ingrained actions of others. Neither of which we have control over.

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Anonymous 21/04/08(Thu)03:15 No. 14727 ID: a7c52b

Suicide is just an escape from an intolerable existence. Given a choice between a life that is good and a life that is horribly unbearable and painful, anyone would choose the good life yes. But choosing between death and the painful life, most would choose death. The only thing that stops them is if they were brainwashed as children into believing that this will only bring them to an afterlife that is worse.

Anonymous 21/04/09(Fri)22:49 No. 14730 ID: db23ed

I'd say the free will argument is mostly predicated on the idea that some aspect of reality is "goal-oriented," or teleological. Which means that if something has a goal as a property of what it means to exist, then that necessarily entails an "exclusion" of other goals in the way that it actualizes it's own potential.

So, let's say my goal today is to drive to the liquor store and buy some Maker's Mark for my underage girlfriend. For me to have that goal, I have to reject the other places (even in a general sense) that are NOT the liquor store, and reject all other things that are NOT Maker's Mark. This means that, at the moment I make the choice, I am considering an array of options, and have made a choice to take one, to the exclusion of all the others that I have knowledge of.

The alternative to this is to take a materialist position (a very common one among post-Enlightenment philosophers), which is that all proximate and remote causes are random and non-conscious, which means that all the effects of those causes are random and non-conscious. The problem here, of course, is the mind, being goal-oriented, seems to be the exception to that rule, which means that reality is at least partly goal-oriented, if only because the mind is literally in reality. That seems to lead to some kind of dualism, which has it's own problems. Some philosophers have endorsed "panpsychism" as a way out, while others have simply doubled-down on materialism.

Noam Chomsky famously wrote that no one can define these terms meaningfully enough to even form a question relevant to the problem, so it essentially doesn't matter. Philosophers like Ed Feser and some others disagree, and so do I.

I personally endorse the freedom of the will, but only because I believe the intellect is partly immaterial, which is also the position endorsed by Ed Feser and James Ross.

Anonymous 21/10/21(Thu)06:31 No. 14822 ID: 05bf3b

Christianity says that God has predestined everybody. If that's so, then free will is a bribe to make people suck the pastors dick.
Honestly, Christianity reeks of copium and white narcissism.

Anarchist Q&A Anonymous 18/08/18(Sat)01:24 No. 13599 ID: c89d35 [Reply]

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(Doesn't even have to be about my politics)

I'm sick and fucking tired of seeing people over worked, over taxed, and under payed. Fire at will.

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Anonymous 20/12/14(Mon)00:52 No. 14663 ID: baa2f3

What are you on?

Anonymous 20/12/14(Mon)22:55 No. 14664 ID: 72281e

Any model of anarchy simply results in small collectives of power that over time coalesce into larger collectives, which become governments. This is how society happened the first time around. Why would you possibly think you can prevent this should it happen again? You can't just NOT HAVE ANYONE IN CHARGE; a civilization cannot function that way. Hell, a book club with five members won't function that way.

You'll note that there really isn't any such thing as anarchist movements in countries with good social welfare systems. In those countries, their taxes actually go to stuff they use like free higher education, state healthcare, and city beautification; they have no problem paying their taxes. Contrast that to in America, where taxes go to bailout corporations, to line the wallet of billionaire CEOs, and fund the military industrial complex. Plus there are no worker protections so everyone ends up underpaid and overworked.

Really, the question I will provide is actually a rhetorical one: why the fuck are you proposing eliminating government, when the reality is you just want a government that functions properly?

Anonymous 21/10/08(Fri)02:45 No. 14814 ID: d2a5e8

Cooperatives, yay or nay?

Anonymous 21/09/02(Thu)17:52 No. 14804 ID: b3e825 [Reply]

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Anonymous 21/09/25(Sat)05:16 No. 14809 ID: 25cd70


Can omnicide be moral? Anonymous 21/08/18(Wed)18:40 No. 14791 ID: 298de1 [Reply]

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Can a total eradication of all life on earth be moral in the same sense euthanasia is?
Life, since its first seconds was all about violence and it got to the point where killing and avoiding being killed became part of our evolution.
During the recent years in the grand scheme of life, humanity started to master that aspect of violence. When you open a history book, its hard to go through 3 pages at best wothout stumbling upon a murder of some kind.
The very ground I walk on probably stores corpses of millions of animals and humans, whose deaths were caused by our ancestors. Even the food I eat was brought to me here because people fought and died for it in the past.
Also, people are growing to be more and more ignorant towards issues that don't affect them. And when it inevitably does affect them, it's already too late. So, what do they do? Just cope and normalize it.
More and more ignorance and more and more bloodshed. In fiction people generally define a grim future as something pretty bombastic. For example, Warhammer 40k. Sure, everyone except ogres and maybe chaos is not having a great time, but there's at least something that ties them all together, and keeps them doing whatever they should do.
In my opinion, humanity, no, LIFE will simply degrade into such a pathetic state that commiting global genocide would be merciful and a deserving death.
There is no such thing as dystopian grim future, only mind numbing downward spiral.
Thinking this way, can omnicide be moral?

Anonymous 21/08/19(Thu)22:27 No. 14792 ID: ceffdd

>Can a total eradication of all life on earth be moral in the same sense euthanasia is?
>In my opinion, humanity, no, LIFE will simply degrade into such a pathetic state that commiting global genocide would be merciful and a deserving death.
Your problem is your mixing a morale dilemma with a subjective opinion. A morale dilemma needs to be presented with a neutral tone in order to merit discussion.

>Thinking this way, can omnicide be moral?
Thinking this way, you may, but using a preordained thought process leads to many atrocities being committed in the name of morale behaviour.

Anonymous 21/08/27(Fri)16:27 No. 14797 ID: 54428e

If you were forced to kill your child or another persons child, which one would you choose? If you refuse to choose, you will be tortured for eternity.

The choice you make depends on whether or not you can live with either unfathomable despair (killing you own child) or relentless, depthless hatred (experienced by the person whos child you killed).

Anonymous 21/08/06(Fri)19:44 No. 14789 ID: 27cb71 [Reply]

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Atheist vs Christian Thread.
Atheists are strongly opposed to the supernatural, while Christians recognize the existence of God in their lives.

Anonymous 21/09/01(Wed)22:24 No. 14801 ID: 53d284


Nietzschean bread Anonymous 21/07/06(Tue)09:56 No. 14779 ID: aaa15d [Reply]

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the nietzschean idea of self preservation. the future depends on reproductive fitness and the best genes get passed on. does eugenics have a future where Nietzsche is taught to the genetically Superior humanity? lots philosophy, much discuss.

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