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Anonymous 20/06/14(Sun)05:50 No. 14532 ID: 8bf6d2 [Reply]

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Reincarnation is a paradox. Imagine: someone is cryogenically frozen and sent off into space in the craft that keeps them cryogenically frozen.

It doesn't matter how much time elapses during this state equivalent to death of being utterly frozen (no brain activity happening, for you are frozen), if you awoke on a new plane as a new living creature, what happens when some extraterrestrial creature finds your previously frozen body and unfreezes you?

As we all know, since time doesn't exist, the universe is experiencing itself separately and autonomously, like the foundation being the universe and the branches from which are individual experiences of the same thing all happening in the same time frame That means, in terms of fundamentals, I am you, you are me, I am her, etc. But the aforementioned example of being unfrozen from an essentially dead state while living a reincarnated other self is impossible. Reincarnation involves the linearity of time and in a universe where time is not a material thing, that would be a road crash in time.

But then the next paradox: If it happened once, why not again?

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Anonymous 20/10/18(Sun)14:19 No. 14611 ID: a45d00

A more accurate description is to say Russels teapot is made from dark matter (and filled with souls) as it can't be detected by any means and only exists as a claim.

Of course, any scientist worth his salt, doesn't claim dark matter exists to begin with as it only exists in theory.

Anonymous 20/10/20(Tue)10:38 No. 14612 ID: 7cb4c3

Dreams don't exist because this defies the physical concept of heat death I was taught in 3rd grade

thanks science, won another argument

The Soul is much more than our chemistry Anonymous 21/07/01(Thu)04:55 No. 14778 ID: a7a19c

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When someone mentions the soul, they are mentioning a device that has been sort it out between the present and past. Usually the dates are momentary to the construction of 1855-1901. In a way the soul relies in the past through evolutionary construct while the present it involves a certain lost generation dimensions that are usually given in the history of the 20th century with the beginning of the world at war like a tale of Conrad.

Here is a picture of theorized construct sort of like the soul but in the lost generation knowns athe Botlzmann Brain of humanity

I made a Seneca time line chronologicaly Zizou 21/06/25(Fri)01:14 No. 14776 ID: 52398c [Reply]

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Is Russel Brand a Sikh? Anonymous 21/04/11(Sun)04:22 No. 14732 ID: 972a59 [Reply]

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Do you think Russel Brand is a Sikh? He says something that sounds like Waheguru. Are spiritual people in general like that, or is he trying to be specific without saying the name.

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Kory+Taylor 21/05/26(Wed)05:58 No. 14757 ID: 9f80eb

I want my degree for this.

This is a logical argument if you take all animal references away.

This is a philosophical argument if you climbed to a woman.

THis is a math problem about surrounding a oops as a triangle is enough for goop.

Anonymous 21/05/26(Wed)05:59 No. 14759 ID: 9679d6

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I'm a sikh and no he is not. You can tell it easily because it many ways he explains things he uses I you he she they etc. That's duality. If you are a good member of the panth you make points without saying those things. He knows this.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:17 No. 14766 ID: 9f80eb

Tri lef legy pilllll
6 4 5 5 GRIN
2. 1.



I am an elef

Black Blizz Post Shader Kory Taylor 21/05/26(Wed)05:51 No. 14753 ID: 9f80eb [Reply]

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Some 4 channer threw a vinagroon at me after I said I was a nigger. Germa Clythe

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Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:05 No. 14763 ID: 9f80eb

Is Kory the black dog. And he can still make it.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:07 No. 14764 ID: 9f80eb

We don't like feds, I have to prove my fiction. My fuckery, my grap and grade and chairl.

Kory+Taylo 21/05/26(Wed)06:08 No. 14765 ID: 9f80eb

My imaGINARY lawyer.

the deeel the pel the til.c a d

Was Pliny the Elder the worlds first furry? Was Pliny the Elder the worlds first furry? 21/01/31(Sun)23:30 No. 14682 ID: 489c47 [Reply]

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Im learning about anthropology for my last semester in college and I discovered Pliny basically started the thinking of beast-folk and this lasted about 1,500 years after his death in 79 AD. Thoughts? p.s. I aint no furry.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)09:59 No. 14717 ID: 7cb4c3

There are Cherubim and Biblical angels that are anthropomorphic.

Beyond that wouldn't evolution have used this at some point? I feel like it's an easy concept to come to on your own, not very original, not likely "invented" by some opium smoking cock jockey

Anonymous 21/04/02(Fri)03:41 No. 14721 ID: 77e1df

Bro, the Egyptians had anthropomorphic gods in like 3000 BC.

Anonymous 16/08/31(Wed)03:45 No. 12662 ID: 1cc955 [Reply]

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About free will.

Are you reading this text voluntarily? My personal guess is, that many will instinctively answer with yes. In German the adjective „voluntarily“ is translated to „freiwillig“, which means „with free will“ or more literal „free willy“.
Bad jokes aside, the definition of doing something voluntarily, is taking action according to your own free will.
Now why I am focusing on this is, because I want to explore what it actually means to do something voluntarily, along the axis of determinism and free will.

Let’s assume you answered yes to the question of reading this text voluntarily.
And let’s assume our brains do function deterministically.
That would mean, you just had an illusion about having a free will.
The illusion, that you did have a choice, not to read this text this far. Some unknown law, which we try to approximate in the natural sciences, is entirely responsible for what you just did, including the feeling of doing it voluntarily.
It also means, that if you were able to go back in time, every time you did do so, the world and the universe would develop exactly the way they have always been destined to. Including you, reading this text, over and over again. Like a clockwork turning back and forth.
Consciously experiencing a movie that doesn’t feel like a movie but real.
Being aware of this fact also means, that one of the characteristics of this deterministic system is, that it can understand itself.
Let’s have a look at it understanding itself.
If the voluntary guy exists in this deterministic system, his thoughts are part of this system and his conscious experience of having acted voluntarily describes the system in the same way, as an experience of not having done so, would.
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Anonymous 21/03/02(Tue)08:15 No. 14685 ID: 132f2f

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>free will.
>along the axis of determinism and free will.

Free will is literally nonsense and impossible to exist.
At best "free will" is nothing more then like saying that the feeling of something being smooth is a different color. That's insane or simply a non sequitur joke.

The reason why this is is because free will is a theological word, meaning its a word to make you stop thinking that was made up by theologians like the word trinity, free will was made up to stop you from thinking how a all knowing god who created the universe and knows the future 100% is literally not sending people to hell he knows who will go to hell.

Why do I discard it like this?
Lets do some tests I take a computer/robot and program it to sort balls. It has a program that tells it to put blue balls to the left and red balls to the right.
It executes the program perfectly.

Question does it have free will?
In determinism everything is understood perfectly.
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Anonymous 21/03/07(Sun)23:08 No. 14692 ID: 4bd1b0

I stopped reading half way as an exercise in free well. I was reading somewhat automatically in the beginning.

Anonymous 21/03/26(Fri)09:56 No. 14715 ID: 7cb4c3

I masturbate every other day, I keep myself on a strict schedule so that I don't rape anyone. Remember to take a bath and wash your clothes afterwards kings

Indian Police and Judiciary Annon 21/01/29(Fri)09:25 No. 14681 ID: 6d3279 [Reply]

Indian police and judiciary is rotten to the core.


Questions Anonymous 19/02/23(Sat)04:57 No. 13901 ID: 243bfa [Reply]

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I admit that although I have had an interest in philosophy for the past few months, I am not adequately read, even for the particular issues that have interested me, so I apologize if I have issues with clarity.

I've been taken hold by the ideas of Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but particularly Nietzsche.

I've done my best to deal with the striking personal effect that Schopenhauer's postulation that life is meaningless suffering and boredom. I find it too grim and I've found myself naturally gravitating away from it, likely for my own sanity. Instead, Nietzsche has been of more interest to me due to his life-affirming philosophy. However, as much as I'd like to agree with his idea that personal meaning can be found, it just doesn't stick.

Aren't we all just working and eating to keep ourselves alive? For what? Is there anything that can be found in the pursuit of a meaningful existence that will truly fulfill us and help us escape the void? However we decide to find that meaning, whether it be virtue, love, carnal sensations, refined aesthetic pleasure, or whatever else I can't think of, is it truly enough?

While this pertains to the previous paragraph, I wanted to better emphasize this idea: if you live aesthetically, either through art or as an artist, is there anything new? I feel like there aren't any 'boundaries' to be broken in this limited world, which leads me to another question: can an individual be TRULY unique, is there a way they can define themselves that distinguishes themselves from everyone else?

Someone please enlighten me. Open to all responses

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Anonymous 19/07/30(Tue)23:53 No. 14045 ID: 76c270

Not the same guy, but i really wanna know why is that? Seeing things as games - as obstacles to be overcomed - is the only tangible, "meaningful" thing us humans can do, is it not?

Teleology doesn't explain behavior, afteral. The only thing there is is adaptation to one's environment. "Evolution" is a misleading term.

And, as all the harmful social constructs, vague modern ideals, sedentarism and alianation teached us, the notion of surplus (be it as symbolic culture or material sum) isn't as good as mass society makes you believe.

So, by giving up on useless things like the surrogate activities and cultural delusions of civilization, what is left other than playing a game of adaptation?

Anonymous 21/01/04(Mon)00:41 No. 14676 ID: e87645

Hello good sir, starting with your first point regarding fulfillment, I'd argue that life has no defined purpose, but I wouldn't go as far as to say that life is all suffering and boredom. Life is a varying mix of emotions, suffering and boredom are apart of the human condition, but so are joy and relief. William James would likely say that you should continue doing whatever makes life living to you, but I reckon you should do enough with your life, so when you die you'll be somewhat satisfied with how you lived.

As for your question regarding uniqueness, Nietzsche wrote about a concept of eternal recurrence/eternal return. If you look into this I think you'll find an answer to your question. There is also a short story titled "Library of Babel" that deals with this uniqueness conundrum.

Anonymous 21/01/20(Wed)20:19 No. 14678 ID: 835021

What was the lesson I was SUPPOSED to learn from Library of Babel? Because all I got from it was that, given infinite combinations, the vast majority of it would be completely useless nonsense. Maybe that's supposed to be similar to human uniqueness? That yeah, everyone is unique, but most of those combinations are pointless and useless?

Terrorists attacks in France Aluakma Ass 20/10/30(Fri)01:42 No. 14618 ID: 3dfd61 [Reply]

It fucking disgusts me knowing that fucking nigger which attacked the church in Nice is still alive and breathing. He should be executed and shot dead for hes crimes against humanity. He literally beheaded a 70 year old lady because of his sick demonic religion. Europe get your fucking shit together and take those fucking immigrants somewhere else. Sincerely we need a new crusade as a catholic im sick of watching churches being burned throughout Europe while the Pope talks about legalizing marriage for faggots. In my opinion anyone who pulls a weapon in public and starts to attack innocent people should be shot dead on the spot because I sincerely think their lives are worth less than a grain of salt.
Aluakma Ass

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Anonymous 20/11/24(Tue)13:14 No. 14644 ID: 65239c

>Sincerely we need a new crusade
Hmm yes this will surely stop terrorism

>the Pope talks about legalizing marriage for faggots
Imagine believing in Papal supremacy lol. 1054 was a mistake

Anonymous 20/11/25(Wed)07:36 No. 14647 ID: 7cb4c3

No muslims no terrorists

Anonymous 20/12/01(Tue)01:42 No. 14653 ID: 3a3ad7

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I'm not so sure about that one m8

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