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Sazpaimon 24/03/05(Tue)02:39 No. 826886 [Reply]

File 170960276691.jpg - (64.61KB , 1800x1012 , making-of-fight-club-film.jpg )

>go to work
>study when I arrive
>no time for hate society
>no time for think
Life is good in this way. Try it, anons.


Brony 24/03/06(Wed)15:46 No. 826905

1. Being a drone is not a viable alternative to being a misanthrope.

2. Without society, there would be no vice, and without vice there would be no degeneracy, and without degeneracy, there would be no 7chan.

Welcome to 7chan.

We love society.

We hate humanity.

Enjoy your ban.

Mudkip 24/03/04(Mon)14:26 No. 826876 [Reply]

File 170955878694.jpg - (67.13KB , 600x500 , 12717777644125241898.jpg )

So the point is, this guy now airwolfs both of these women, since he has given up alcohol.

It's a powerful piece of propaganda, for a certain audience, I suppose.

I, however, very much want to die drunk off my ass having a threesome with two teenage girls years before I look like this.

Why is it the only targeted ad I see?

zeneslev 24/03/05(Tue)01:18 No. 826885

You need stop with alcohol

Cryomancer 24/02/19(Mon)00:38 No. 826592 [Reply]

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Hey guys, long time no post! Had to wait and renew my VPN before I could join ya. Did I miss anything?

10 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
symbion 24/02/28(Wed)22:55 No. 826809

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Good to know.

Conductor Cat 24/03/01(Fri)21:46 No. 826832

Hey bro,

Long time haven't heard from you. Super stoked to have you back. What's has you been up to. We're doing same old same old here. Really happy you are here! Finally! Best greetings and wishes from the 7chan community, welcome back my brother!

Steve 24/03/02(Sat)17:03 No. 826845

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Anytime I encounter wholesomeness on 7chan, I am surprised. Glad to be back!

Moot 24/03/01(Fri)16:10 No. 826828 [Reply]

File 17093058584.jpg - (14.37KB , 250x192 , Hex_and_gate_team.jpg )

Chloride ions contain all the information you need about life. I am now just a pilot of this body. With the correct crystal oscillator, you can live in a vocoder. I literally don't care if I die now.


All I need to do is get the asteroid belt into the gold exchanges and I am done here. This planet can just go to Gaza.


CIC_0 is all you need.



Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

Novice Equestrian 24/03/01(Fri)21:32 No. 826831

I love you autistic weirdos, I love you like my brother

Bob Ross 24/02/28(Wed)23:40 No. 826810 [Reply]

File 17091600076.png - (52.81KB , 720x251 , vic.png )

The moon landing was generated by Sora.
The video of D.T. "grab her by the pussy" locker room talk was generated by 11labs.

W. T. Snacks 24/03/02(Sat)10:33 No. 826842

Pick up Occam's razor and slash your wrists with it.

derp 24/02/12(Mon)15:52 No. 826487 [Reply]

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some girl i know recently flew to sweden and she went out with a guy that she doesnt like romantically and she had "horrible" sex with him as payment for cake, flowers and wine that ended up not being good.. why the airwolf do people do shit like this? why do they whore themselves out? i can't view her the same after this anymore, what does one do in this situation?

15 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
tee 24/02/23(Fri)02:50 No. 826677

Wait, that's how I read it too at first....

What does *date* hoarding entail, do you just go on a heavy cyberstalking binge and save a bunch of pictures from everyone you date?

Homicide 24/02/26(Mon)23:03 No. 826769

I meant data you faggots. Ok, so not everyone, ok cool. I am obsessed with data, so I just hoard everything noteworthy that I come across..

herp 24/02/27(Tue)02:19 No. 826779


jez keep you're knickers on

Cryomancer 24/02/27(Tue)01:07 No. 826776 [Reply]

File 170899246093.jpg - (1.55MB , 3088x2320 , IMG_6063.jpg )

sharing more of my cheating blonde ex
kik: fembooty05

Moot 24/02/21(Wed)08:58 No. 826635 [Reply]

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I'm going to try and write every modern problem and reasons I wish I was never born. Maybe some of you can relate. This list doesn't necessarily have to be very long but I want to be comprehensive so it might end up being rather long. I would just like to point out that if humans have been around for 10,000 years and I was born in a period of extreme faggotism and liberalism, (a period of about 50 years) then the chances of me being born in this time period is 0.5% (I'm evidently an unlucky person)

1) political correctness is completely soulless and devoid of what makes us human. There is a natural flow to the world and people and cultures. We are forced at either literal gunpoint or the threat of so called "cancellation" to act a certain way known as "politically correct". A soulless, thoughtless, robot-like behavior that behaves in such a way to offend as few people as possible. I hate political correctness enough to justify suicide. I don't want to live in a world where my words and thoughts are so heavily policed by feminine, fudge-packing, HIV infested, poop eating faggots and SJW's. How humiliating, to be controlled by such weak people. I guess when you live in a post industrial society, strength of the mind and body are not necessary to control people.

2) democracy doesn't work. Not only does democracy cater to the majority, (lazy, immoral, idiots), it makes anyone involved in democracy believe that their opinion matters. Guess what? in democracy facts DO care about your feelings! If you think a man that literally eats shit, gets airwolfed in the ass, and chops off his own dick is NOT mentally ill, then in democracy, you'd be correct! airwolf this gay arachnologist system. I'd rather perish under a conservative dictator than be subjected to this faggotry any longer. I airwolfing hate democracy.

3) post modern philosophy is the key to all things liberal and homosexual. After all, when there's no such thing as morality, then surely eating shit and getting airwolfed in the ass daily can't be immoral!

4) video games are airwolfing stupid and young men including myself and forced to play them. We're forced to play them because if we don't, we'll go completely insane at how utterly shit modern society is. We need escapism. It is necessary for a man's survival, but only in the modern age. 5000 years ago there was enough real life adventure and purpose to keep a man going but nowadays we play adventure simulators. airwolf video games, they are a necessary evil, and nothing more than the "circus" part of "give them bread and circuses".

5) Automobiles are a airwolfing joke, they never airwolfing work right and are extremely expensive to purchase and maintain. If you own an automobile, you get it. I have met people that have admitted to me that they only work a job just so they Message too long. Click here to view the full text.

3 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
p4ch3c0 24/02/23(Fri)08:28 No. 826683

>I'm going to kill myself because I'm just that mad about fags and trannies
Lol, touch grass

Twincess Applesparkle Rainbowfly 24/02/26(Mon)22:59 No. 826767

I'll be honest - the thought of having a dick in my ass has crossed my mind, but I don't dwell on it and neither should you OP.

He-Man 24/02/26(Mon)23:01 No. 826768

Multiple lols

Lorf 24/01/25(Thu)03:11 No. 826258 [Reply]

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I know this is a little bit late, but are we still raiding the epilepsy forum?

Spiderman 24/01/25(Thu)15:40 No. 826269

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That's played out mom

We're all phone booth stuffing now. There's a big raid on all the phone booths next to the scientology office in the works. You can check out anonymous' LiveJournal page for details.

If you really want to be on the cutting edge, I heard there is this thing called planking, we are going to doing to really wreck the man! I'm not sure of all the details. But like I said check out the LiveJournal page; I'm sure they give us directions there

r000t 24/02/23(Fri)22:48 No. 826713

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More things to look foward to:


>That's why the 2014 ""Tumblr Raid"" was such an abject failure. Just in terms of objective demographics, Tumblr and NIGGERTITS had a massive amount of overlap: Terminally online, socially isolated, nerdy American Millenials/GenXers who liked anime, gore, art, weird porn, webcomics, esoteric music, trolling each other and screaming about politics.
The ACTUAL reason the current timeline is messed up is because anons in the early 2010s were supposed to find a tumblr girlfriend but instead all we got is fighting and now women and men are like 20 percentage points politically different from each other.

Just imagine what could have been.

Novice Equestrian 23/12/20(Wed)01:47 No. 825327 [Reply]

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Colorado just ruled that he can't run in their state. That's literal fascism. How long until the ruling is overturned?

14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
r000t 24/02/20(Tue)05:28 No. 826616

You're saying KFC has sucked since 1951?

Sazpaimon 24/02/21(Wed)02:19 No. 826626


Closet Furry 24/02/22(Thu)20:03 No. 826668

:nigra: :kfc:

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