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Anonymous 17/12/16(Sat)15:09 No. 503 ID: 517b6e [Reply]

File 151343335648.png - (64.46KB , 969x286 , theend_avatar.png )

So, the Trump administration is simply out to rape the United States and it's people in every which way it can and it's going to get away with it because they are too hopelessly divided on every issue to do anything for themselves.

14 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 18/01/28(Sun)05:33 No. 553 ID: 1422fe

You've made the classic blunder of mistaking derision and scorn for concern. Russia is teetering on the brink of collapse from economic sanctions (due to the miscalculation of the Crimea invasion) coupled with the global drop in oil & gas prices caused by the US flooding the market.

An opposition party has formed despite Putin making it illegal to hold demonstrations without preapproval from the government. Massive rallies are held in open defiance of his laws.

Putin not only cares, he's fucking terrified because he thinks all of this is the result of a massive CIA plot. By failing to accurately gauge the situation he's making tactical blunder after blunder, opening vulnerabilities to the very people he's counting on to carry him through no matter what - Russian citizens.

He can claim everyone who opposes him are Nazis only so many times before people will start to question why he always trots out the exact same bogeyman every time he encounters opposition. He's quickly reaching the tipping point of citizens unwilling to accept his lies (hence the massive demonstrations) and is simply too old, fat, and dull to find a new bogeyman, which leads to his mistakes piling up in a massive tower of failure that will eventually topple and fall, crushing his flabby body under it.

Stalin not only killed more people than Putin, he killed them openly and without fear of reprisal because he held absolute power over the country. Anyone who opposed him was either killed or sent off to gulags. Putin has to kill in secret. He can't risk openly killing anyone who opposes him because he knows this will result in his downfall. This is why he's far weaker than Stalin. He can't do what needs to be done to install himself as permanent dictator for life. Stalin killed millions of Russians to maintain his power. It takes Putin days, weeks, even months to kill just one. Time is a luxury no human can afford, since it catches up with us all in the end... and with old age comes dementia. For someone like Putin dementia is a fatal flaw.

Anonymous 18/02/04(Sun)02:33 No. 554 ID: f55f63

>a massive CIA plot
Or a relatively tiny Secret Service propaganda taskforce, drumming up intelligence and prompting exaggerated responses on local media.

Have you been to Russia?

Anonymous 18/02/04(Sun)02:40 No. 555 ID: 96f033

Have you been to America, comrade?

>Secret Service
Apparently all you know about the secret service is that it has the word "secret" in its name.

Anonymous 17/12/01(Fri)21:08 No. 485 ID: cfbfa4 [Reply]

File 151215889622.gif - (501.52KB , 300x272 , JyrIfuU.gif )

The proposal to turn the Internet into cable television:

This will be "considered" at the FCC's monthly meeting on December 14th.

It's not what I thought it was. I thought it would be about putting control of the internet into corporate hands, raising the cost of hosting and streaming services nationwide, and forcing the people to pay for access to individual web sites like cable TV channels. It does those things, but its higher priority is undoing things that were done during the previous administration. This is yet another attempt by the current administration to make the American people and the world forget there was ever a black president by erasing any trace of a political legacy that could be attributed to his leadership (even though the president has no authority to direct the FCC). Destroying the internet as we know it will be a side effect.

Specifically, the proposal reverses this order:


Key to the proposal is defining broadband Internet access as a luxury, not a utility. Specifically, to reclassify broadband ISPs as Title I "information services", reversing their 2015 reclassification as Title II "telecommunications services" and bringing us back to 2014's Verizon Communications Inc. v. FCC, in which it was determined that the FCC relinquished the authority to regulate broadband ISPs blocking or throttling any information being transmitted through their networks by distinguishing them from "common carriers" as was confirmed in 2004's NCTA v. Brand X Internet Services.

The proposal repeats certain words and phrases to an almost hypnotic effect, among them "restore internet freedom" (what it purports to do) and "heavy-handed, utility-style regulation" (in reference to the 2015 order) and "light touch" (to describe it's strategy of regulation-free regulation that will magically prevent the telecom conglomerates from holding the internet for ransom).
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Anonymous 17/12/04(Mon)23:42 No. 487 ID: a870df

File 151242732362.jpg - (39.22KB , 640x508 , Sometimes More Is Required.jpg )

What's real fun is that under Title I and without common carrier protections, they are liable for all traffic carried over their network.

If you commit a crime using their network, under Title I they're considered to be an accomplice to the crime. This is what common carrier prevented.

But because Verizon's execs want ever-greater forms of compensation, they sued common carrier out of the way, which lead to them being classified as Title II.

Now they're back to Title I without common carrier protections. Which means they're back to being liable for acts committed by customers using their network.

Almost every sketchy business that only accepts bitcoin as payment? ISPs are now liable for them. The act of receiving and transmitting information about the blockchain transaction? Liable.

They wanted it, they got it. And I hope they choke on it.

Anonymous 17/12/09(Sat)10:56 No. 497 ID: a20cea

>under Title I they're considered to be an accomplice to the crime
They're just going to make that go away with lawyers and money you know.

Anonymous 17/12/10(Sun)13:28 No. 498 ID: 15ac11

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They'd better beef up their legal departments, since they're accomplices on federal, state, and local levels.

Getting dragged into court in every municipality in the country tends to be a bit of a drain.

But I'm sure that the GOP, being such vocal supporters of state rights, would certainly never stand in their way.

Anonymous 17/11/03(Fri)11:52 No. 458 ID: db770c [Reply]

File 150970632511.png - (846.01KB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot from 2017-11-03 19-38-54.png )

Was this Russia?

You know what's happened; the resistance to forced memes is gone.

The internet has made goatse of society's anus.

Anonymous 17/10/29(Sun)18:11 No. 456 ID: 5fc4cd [Reply]

File 150929710744.jpg - (63.37KB , 600x400 , cjbikedriveby.jpg )

>Woman Gives Trump The Middle Finger After Following Motorcade on a Bicycle


Anonymous 17/09/20(Wed)15:34 No. 427 ID: 1e22f7 [Reply]

File 150591448671.png - (0.96MB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot from 2017-09-20 22-36-32.png )

After all, this presidency only happened because of memes.

Anonymous 17/09/16(Sat)12:54 No. 423 ID: 4bf217 [Reply]

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We owe the Kurds their country.

They've been better allies to the west than Iraq, Iran, Syria, or Turkey ever were or will be. They have bled on the front lines on the same side as US and UN forces in numerous conflicts and all they get in return is further isolation and oppression.

The US should back not only their independence from Iraq, but withdraw from all ties in Turkey and back their independence there as well. We should take steps to ensure the territory they've purged of ISIS in Syria remains theirs, and pressure Iran to give them autonomy.

There's nothing more wrong we could do to these people than tell them they can't be free because we want the oppressive, corrupt, unstable regimes they want out of to stay in place.

Anonymous 17/09/17(Sun)10:05 No. 424 ID: 4d62fc

File 15056355572.jpg - (51.64KB , 576x768 , Furry.jpg )

Its an eternal stain on the US that Bush told them to rebel because we'd have their back, only to run away like a little bitch the instant they played their hand.

Turkey, on the other hand, has appointed a tyrant to rule, a tyrant who is determined to remain in power until his death, no matter how many citizens has to imprison and kill to maintain it. Upon his death the country will descend into chaos.

That time of chaos would be a great moment for the Kurds seize control of their destiny.

Anonymous 17/09/17(Sun)17:05 No. 425 ID: e895f3

I honestly cannot fathom what sustains the US-Turkey alliance. It's not like this regime is keeping the islamic fundamentalists at bay like the other scummy Middle-Eastern dictatorships the US was allied with before the Arab Spring fiasco. They provide safe passage for incoming recruits to ISIS, medical care for wounded jihadi fighters, and make a profit from black market sales of Syrian oil--and that's just the stuff we have proof of.

>Bush told them to rebel because we'd have their back
Indeed, such shame. Which reminds me, Obama gave them weapons, training, and hope--only to heel-turn on regime change and the anti-Assad alliance in Syria shortly before the end of his term.

Anonymous 17/09/19(Tue)09:36 No. 426 ID: c56a97

File 150580660113.jpg - (150.68KB , 1242x1201 , Answer To Life The Universe And Everything.jpg )

Well, you can thank Turkey for being their usual shitheaded selves about Kurds and Russia informing us that they would start firing on US forces if we didn't stop making their #1 arms importer Assad cry.

They still are completely autonomous in Iraq, primarily due to the US letting them do whatever the fuck they wanted in their territory with full logistical support. At this point they have better control over it than the rest of Iraq has over its territory.

Once Erdogan dies in power they'll have their country. It's just going to take a while. Well, assuming the rest of the Turkish military doesn't get tired of his shit, instead of just part of it. Part didn't work.

Trump is an asshole Anonymous 16/11/19(Sat)20:41 No. 42 ID: 9b7110 [Reply]

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10 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/05/06(Sat)03:12 No. 282 ID: 87f732

Still hoping to hear from you about >>43

I'm really curious.

How many individual anus pictures is this made of?

Anonymous 17/09/07(Thu)09:38 No. 421 ID: a4d268

Well, if you want to get an exact total you'd have to wait, but if you want to get an estimate you can just start at an arbitrary point on the horizontal axis and count across, pick an arbitrary point on the vertical axis and count down (or up), then multiply the two numbers by each other. Do it a few times at different spots then average out the results. Won't be exact but it'll be in the same ballpark.

Hopefully you like looking at anuses.

Anonymous 17/09/21(Thu)17:30 No. 428 ID: d50172

That could be a lot more work than you anticipate. Those are almost certainly not each of them a unique anus picture. Collage generators usually use any given image of a collection multiple times, can use them at different rotations, etc, to get the most optimal rendition.

I would need sophisticated image processing to find out the hard way, but the creator of the image might remember the settings they specified to their generator (and the size of their anus collection).

I am not particularly a fan of anuses, but I'm not particularly perturbed by them either. I feel pretty /eh/ about the anuses themselves, it's the chance to say "Donald Trump is _____ assholes!" and publish this image in an "editorial" somewhere with lax standards.

Oh boy it's an abortion post Anonymous 17/08/08(Tue)17:46 No. 404 ID: 4a4a92 [Reply]

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http://youtu.be/JifTBDjtF38 7:50

Effectively: "Not EVERYONE should kill inconvenient unborn humans, nor should NOBODY do it, I'm just saying it should be legal for people who DO want to. This makes me the "fair and balanced" middle ground (apparently)."

I thought this was just a horrible, stupid joke on that one Simpsons episode. Is this how abortionists actually think?

sidetopic: abolish the political party system

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Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)17:19 No. 412 ID: d46376

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Certain debates consist entirely of meta-debate about the nature of the debate.

Anonymous 17/08/30(Wed)08:46 No. 418 ID: b4d0d2

>>>Is this how abortionists actually think?

What the fuck is an abortionist? Are there people out there who are PRO-Abortion? NO there are not.

ANTI-Abortion folks would like there to be so they can have a black and white debate about this but there can't be, because NO ONE WANTS AN ABORTION. They are not fun, they are not therapeutic, they are not healthy. All they do is stop an unwanted fetus from becoming an unwanted baby.

Someone mentioned personal responsibility somewhere. That would be VASTLY better situation then aborting a fetus. But too bad, stupid/religious/ non-responsible people have to fuck all the time.

Anonymous 17/08/30(Wed)10:03 No. 419 ID: 439740

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Never forget the wealthy fuck all the time too. The difference is that they pay a doctor and institution to provide the abortion with enough compensation to prevent anyone from reporting it to the authorities.

The louder someone screams about how wrong abortion is, the more likely it is they're covering up a guilty conscience. Too bad that conscience won't stop them from doing it again.

Anonymous 17/06/25(Sun)16:40 No. 349 ID: f09001 [Reply]

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The US has no Best Korea policy.

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Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)11:30 No. 409 ID: baccfb

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To be fair, Kim Jong Tiny Penis can't launch anything heavier than a conventional warhead further away than Japan right now, and he hasn't made sufficient fun of Trump's tiny hands, tiny crowds, tiny approval rating, tiny Russian bribes, etc., etc. to elicit that kind of response from Trump.

Then again, even if he did, Trump's handlers wouldn't let him see it. Fox & Friends does a good job of filtering out anything they don't want him to see, and all anyone else has to do is not include his name in every other paragraph for Trump to stop reading his national security briefings.

Anonymous 17/08/12(Sat)02:18 No. 413 ID: d46376

File 150249711565.png - (761.38KB , 1920x1080 , Screenshot from 2017-08-12 09-16-20.png )

Everyone puts themselves in the middle of their own map.

Best Korea puts itself on the top of the world.

That's pretty juche.

Anonymous 17/08/13(Sun)04:39 No. 414 ID: baccfb

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Everyone doesn't need to see their name in the middle of an article every other sentence in order to keep reading the article.

The only reason he even watches Fox & Friends is because they keep mentioning him.

Anonymous 17/07/19(Wed)15:19 No. 374 ID: 7f631b [Reply]

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The long game:

The right casts a shadow of treason, and bolsters the frightful spectre of Russia the left pans them for it, makes them look weak, divided, they falter; the American people--and finally the president himself--slowly redefining what it means to "hack" by propagandizing that hacking someone's dirty laundry is an attempt to sway public opinion. At the same time the left is going to be polishing the image of Russia in the self-identifying intellectual leftist core of loyal viewers as well as the channel-surfing general populace with a granule of curiosity about the outside word; helping people come to terms with Russia as a "peer" nation.

No one isn't colluding.

4 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
Anonymous 17/08/04(Fri)02:08 No. 400 ID: a870df

Rich Higgins, is that you?

Anonymous 17/08/10(Thu)09:00 No. 406 ID: a2793e

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Anonymous 17/08/11(Fri)11:38 No. 410 ID: baccfb

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Olgino native, there is more than one person in the United States called Rich.

You should probably update your wiki with this information.

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