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Bicycle Frames Modern Mom 14/11/12(Wed)16:00 No. 2443 ID: fbfe7f [Reply]

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I'm looking to build myself a "cheap" bike that will replace my truck for all but long drives and when something big needs to be moved. I'm self building because quality bicycles are expensive, most new bicycles don't meet my requirements, and there are a ton of old frames that do satisfy most if not all of my requirements.

I'm about 5' 8.5" with a 30-31"-ish inseam. According to most online frame size calculators for a road bike I should be looking in the 52-54cm range and for a MTB I should be in the 17-18" range.
If I want to purchase a vintage mountain bike frame that does NOT have the downward/upward (depending on POV) sloping top tube which size should I use as a guide?
Pic related

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Modern Mom 17/07/03(Mon)06:27 No. 3039 ID: 87f732

Is there any practical way to purchase a bicycle piece by piece in this manner?

I've never seen individual frame pieces for sale anywhere.

Modern Mom 17/07/03(Mon)06:29 No. 3040 ID: 87f732

If the 20" fits your height, always go for the tallest frame that you fit.

Modern Mom 22/09/01(Thu)11:35 No. 3731 ID: c289d0

How goes the bicycle building?

Transportation Modern Mom 12/12/04(Tue)08:23 No. 592 ID: ba9043 [Reply]

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The one thing I haven't seen discussed is Transportation!

For those of us who have a job or are looking, transportation is very important!

It is also important that it is cheap and reliable, not often two things that go well together!

Bikes are OK but if you live in an area where it's a minimum if 10 miles to any place that has work it isn't much help!

Plus most cheap cars don't get great gas mileage (Mine costs almost 120-200 a month in gas) AND you car is often a dead giveaway that you are a poor person!

What suggestions do allz you poor people have regarding cheap and reliable transportation?

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Modern Mom 23/03/08(Wed)22:41 No. 3804 ID: 453b37

>Always have a bicycle; put it inside to protect from theft.
If you can, shower the tires clean with cold water when taken inside. Gets at least some of the crap away.

Modern Mom 23/07/12(Wed)17:30 No. 3889 ID: ad5438

I can say that I used to struggle with transport for a while, especially regarding supply chain. Eventually, I managed to discover a good transport company, but I wouldn't say that it was a real salvation for my logistics management. I think of implementing warehouse sorting robots from https://deusrobotics.com/sorting-robots/ to my warehouse management, and I think it can be quite beneficial because of its cost-effectiveness and increased accuracy and quality.

Modern Mom 23/07/19(Wed)11:29 No. 3896 ID: c2abea

What an odd thing to say.

Modern Mom 23/10/16(Mon)04:13 No. 3912 ID: 69f58e [Reply]

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Cool free shit from Craigslist

Free is my kryptonite

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)03:46 No. 3917 ID: b41cb6

Do you flip it or just have an abundance of free shit

Modern Mom 24/01/08(Mon)22:06 No. 3936 ID: 943dae

I'm a bit of a hoarder

Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)01:42 No. 3964 ID: d47efc

Americans are completely retarded now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say smoking was banned because the state wants to get more money from cigarette taxes.

Modern Mom 22/07/26(Tue)11:43 No. 3694 ID: c5a2e7 [Reply]

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This board risks being completely taken over by crypto shills if threads about "investing" are not deleted.
People are actually paid to make these threads and they flood any board they aren't banned from.

/jew/ used to be about home economics, I came here to post about making cheese.

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Modern Mom 22/12/22(Thu)00:52 No. 3767 ID: 32135d

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I dinneh believe that it's ironic, I know that it's bugnigger who does it. I don't even think h*'s an asian h*mself, I think it's some Canadian or worse. . . German.

Modern Mom 23/01/28(Sat)12:32 No. 3777 ID: 401bdf

the government and big corporations view chan imageboards as a threat to their hegemony but they can't crush them outright without losing their liberal democracy bona-fides.

so they destroy it with low quality spam. basically what happened to moot's website.

Modern Mom 24/03/21(Thu)01:41 No. 3963 ID: d47efc

Americans scream tyranny is wonderful, but Americans are unable to explain why Cubans try to escape even though Cuba has gun control and free medical care.

I want to live abroad with desired outcomes. Modern Mom 23/12/11(Mon)17:28 No. 3927 ID: cfbeaf [Reply]

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I've passed my GED, but I am having struggles with college admision or finding work.

I would like to live in countries like France. I was saiving dome money for the time coming, and also trying to frind a career alternative program or some other way to make my life fine enough.

Do know any solutions?

Modern Mom 23/12/22(Fri)21:11 No. 3933 ID: feefe8

Get a trade that is universally relevant and does not vary based on regulations (building codes) such as welding. Do this through a community college or trade school. Then go to work for an oil field and get experience. Also do hobby diy work on the side.

Pirate duo lingo courses on French or what have you and complete them in your own time. Then listen to pirated french audiobooks and follow along in the pirated ebook. Start with something familiar and easy like translated popular fiction; harry potter, stephen king.

After that, consult a travel agency and arrange a tourist visit to scope things out.

After your visit, if you still like it, consult the travel agency for assistance with a work visa.

Modern Mom 23/12/24(Sun)09:28 No. 3934 ID: bf7f14

How do you pirate duo lingo courses?

Modern Mom 24/03/17(Sun)01:59 No. 3959 ID: 35f29c

Is Rand Paul the only American who still cares about freedom?

Good first/low budget investments. Modern Mom 14/09/13(Sat)08:47 No. 2312 ID: 1862b0 [Reply]

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Hey there guys. I am a hard working 21 year old, and I've set aside $1500 from wage slaving to begin an investment portfolio. I'm currently considering using a chunk of that money to purchase silver bullion, because it seems like a guaranteed profit over the long run. Pictured is the exact object with which I would like to start my financial future, a 1kg silver bar that can be had for only $629 in the current economic climate. Does anybody have any tips for the poor, wannabe investor such as myself? And is anybody else starting this journey or thinking about it?

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Modern Mom 23/03/21(Tue)21:23 No. 3807 ID: 276b44

hex is your best choice

Modern Mom 23/05/05(Fri)13:50 No. 3813 ID: cda0cf

Most of my money is going into the development of my own business, but I think it's not such a bad investment. I'm learning to regulate the work process and make it not only efficient, but also as convenient as possible for my employees. Time management is especially relevant for me, and articles such as https://traqq.com/blog/the-ultimate-guide-on-time-management/ help me figure out how best to build a company's workflow.

Modern Mom 24/02/29(Thu)14:58 No. 3948 ID: c59669

I had a situation where money was urgently needed, but someone did not have it to lend. Then I had to go to the creditors. In order not to get caught by a bad company that I was particularly interested in, I asked a friend, he recommended this website to me https://au.casinologin.mobi/online-baccarat/ I was very grateful to him when this company helped me and I soon returned the money.

Modern Mom 24/02/24(Sat)01:24 No. 3945 ID: b31050 [Reply]

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Why don't you go get one of those high paying jobs in the Bay Area?

Even the minimum wage at fast food stores is around $80K and for police officers it is $100K-$200K. They're desperate for any of these basic workers. And cost of living is no higher than here in Australia.

I recently visited. It's like the rest of the US and developed world is the third world by comparison.

And tech jobs, or generalist admin and operations jobs a whole another world.

Just work there for a couple of years then retire early to the mid west or some backwards ass poor but high standard of living first world country like New Zealand. You can even chuck a couple hundred K USD in your favourite crypto.

The numbers sound stupidly high but it's the reality. Mind you my family I was visiting are Indian so I was around the richest in Silicon Valley

The only downside was the women of silicon valley were fugly and far in between, but you can always visit the poor top tier in Orange County

In summary Ghosts 14/07/07(Mon)01:02 No. 2161 ID: 91e813 [Reply]

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Follow all these to save/make money.

1. Do not drink or do drugs. If drink regularly and you find yourself here and broke, there's your problem. You need to deal with that before you can fix your money problems. No thrifty living tip will keep you wealthy and drunk or high, ever.

2. Use reusable house ware items. Do not use paper towel or plastic wrap. Ikea has kitchen towels for $0.50 each. Get about 5 and use them to wipe messes, blow your nose, everything. Get some cheap plastic containers to store food.

3. Shop around and identify the value retailers. Some grocery stores cater to the middle and upper class, and others lower, so find the lower. Depending on your location, there might be small family-run markets that sell fruits and vegetables a little cheaper.

4. Break the spending habit. Stop the psychological justifications your have to buy games, clothes, computer shit, etc. You may need to give all your money for a trusted friend/partner. You should be buying groceries each week and that's all.

5. Always be learning. You can go from zero to a $50k job in a few months if you commit yourself to learning software development online. This may take a large lifestyle change that means no more LoL, Youtube, chans, etc. For starters, see Codecademy and CS50.

6. Don't drive a car. Ride the bus or bike and move if necessary.

Here's a 1 week shopping list (priced from an expensive region, store brand stuff):
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Modern Mom 21/08/10(Tue)01:38 No. 3538 ID: 5175b2

Meat isn't bad for you.

Also your story about you being a spoiled millionaire and you feeling smug about eating beans is stupid.

Not taking care of your body is a bad idea, because preventing health care is cheaper than requiring it.

Modern Mom 22/03/14(Mon)04:10 No. 3646 ID: 56c01e

Get some offal (organ meat) which is more nutritious, cheaper, and certain ones (esp beef heart) have fat caps which can be rendered. The cost mostly depends on where you live, but I can get beef heart for 3 bucks a pound.
Also sliced bread is trash, but the HEB I live near sells 3 small loaves (1 loaf of presliced bread in volume) of way better bread for a buck.
Take advantage of any opportunity.

Fishhead 23/11/28(Tue)12:55 No. 3926 ID: 1b8fca

This is rather useful.

Cheapest tooth repair? Modern Mom 21/06/12(Sat)06:45 No. 3518 ID: b0a798 [Reply]

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I have bad teeth and need to fix this. I'm 38 years old.

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Modern Mom 21/06/12(Sat)17:14 No. 3520 ID: 3ac61c

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Modern Mom 21/11/25(Thu)03:06 No. 3594 ID: a29a4a

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at this point get partials or full dentures. Getting root canals will still have infection sitting in your mouth causing more health problems and more tooth problems over time. I never trust any average dentist

Modern Mom 23/11/17(Fri)05:21 No. 3925 ID: 9c6c3d

Cheapest? No dentist then. Here is your cheap route to dental health:

Buy hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and a big tub of coconut oil. Cook and eat with the coconut oil, but make sure to swish with it at least ten minutes a day. I recommend swishing with hydrogen peroxide first for over a minute. It's up to you it you want to dilute it with water as directed. Brush your teeth with a coconut oil paste of baking soda.

Buy an immersion blender, and blend your food.

free shit Modern Mom 22/02/23(Wed)13:09 No. 3644 ID: 9519db [Reply]

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What are the best freebies out there (legal or otherwise)? I've got a few to start the thread:

1. File complaints on web sites of local fast food restaurants, and they'll send you free food coupons. Obviously, if you do this too often with the same address, they'll catch on, but it's good for a free meal every now and then.

2. Most major cities in the U.S. have nonprofits that give free computers away if you're in a bad financial situation. If you can prove you're on a government program, they'll give you a crappy computer running Ubuntu for free or a halfway decent one running Windows for $80-100.

3. Most major cities also have nonprofits and even traveling vans that give out free fentanyl test trips and naloxone. Even if you don't do drugs yourself, shit's expensive, and you can make a couple bucks on the side picking some up and selling at a discount.

4. Ibotta works. A lot of stuff on there is 50% off or even free after cash back, and it's a legal way to turn food stamps into cash. A lot of the stuff on there is inedible gluten-free vegan garbage, but they do carry major junk food brands and stuff you actually want to buy. Even if you only go after the stuff that's 100% free after cash back, you'll have your money back inside of a month.

5. Shoplifting shoplifting shoplifting. Learn your local stores' shoplifting policies and how to evade detection, and you can save a lot of money. I save hundreds shoplifting all my OTC medication from stores like CVS. You can make money reselling stuff on sites like Mercari, but keep in mind the pigs will send investigators if you get carried away.

6. Instead of paying $50 a month subscribing to eight different streaming services, invest $20 in a seedbox. Most people here probably already know this, but for those who don't, it's worth every penny.

7. DNA refund scams don't work as well as they did a few years ago, but they still do sometimes, so always worth a shot. Amazon will still refund stuff no questions asked if you've bought more stuff from them than you're trying to refund. PROTIP: sign a name that isn't yours if the mailman asks for a signature.
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Modern Mom 22/03/05(Sat)13:50 No. 3645 ID: 3717c4

Credit card churning.
Luke Smith made a couple of great videos on it, check em out

Modern Mom 22/03/28(Mon)16:40 No. 3647 ID: 07cb4b

Careful with sports betting.

I tried sportsbetting.ag and they don't let you cash out until you hit an insanely high winnings threshold, that you'll most likely never get to without losing a fuckton of money in the process.

Still better than scratch-offs, though

Modern Mom 23/10/30(Mon)02:13 No. 3916 ID: b41cb6

This. Working on my third “$200 bonus cash intro offer” this year

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