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Anonymous 19/07/26(Fri)21:42 No. 30281

File 156417015392.jpg - (34.32KB , 720x720 , 65117257_2731712196862790_7451394793973743616_n.jpg )

Sup, I want to get fucking ripped, /fit/:

I'm tierd of being lazy. RIght now I am 5'9 240 pounds.

I on and off eat vegan, but, I am starting to slowly lower the amount of animal products I consume down.

I just want to be as healthy as possible. I am tired of being fat and lazy I want to attract bitches. I want to do something. I am about to get a gym membership.

Any one have suggestions? Can anyone help me out?

Anonymous 19/07/27(Sat)12:16 No. 30288

> exersize at least 2 times a week (it's summer, so make it every other day)
> go to sleep when it starts getting dark
> drink 2 to 3 liters of water a day
> eat 3 meals a day that contain: 100-160g of food containing proteins, 100-160g of vegetables, 100g or one piece fruit, 60-100g of grain products (NO WHEAT! Eat rice or even better rogge)

Anonymous 19/07/27(Sat)19:46 No. 30292

No wheat?

Anonymous 19/07/27(Sat)20:36 No. 30294

It slows down your metabolism.
It makes you feel slow and you will gain fat.

Anonymous 19/08/13(Tue)21:25 No. 30519

don't go vegan unless you absolutely know what you're doing vitamins wise. A lot of essential nutrients come from eating meat and a lot of vegans have mental illnesses because of vitamin deficiencies.

Anonymous 19/08/14(Wed)00:37 No. 30528

>A lot of essential nutrients come from eating meat and a lot of vegans have mental illnesses because of vitamin deficiencies.
I guess I had it backwards all this time. I thought people turned vegan because of a preceding mental illness. Now that I think about it, I don't anybody who had a mental illness before turning vegan, only those who had one after. I feel silly now.

Anonymous 19/08/14(Wed)01:08 No. 30529

>Vegans have mental illness cause muh vitamins,

This is unfounded conspiracy tier nonsense.

Anonymous 19/08/23(Fri)09:50 No. 30709

>don't go vegan unless you absolutely know what you're doing vitamins wise. A lot of essential nutrients come from eating meat.

A lot of people who are meat don't eat varied at all.
I'dd say vegans have more variation in vitamines, protenes etc.
Personnally I try as many differend protenes as posible in my diet.

Anonymous 19/08/28(Wed)15:00 No. 30741

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Anonymous 19/08/28(Wed)15:03 No. 30743

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Anonymous 19/09/04(Wed)05:22 No. 30842

>Personnally I try as many differend protenes as posible in my diet.
That's a nice way of saying you indiscriminately suck cock.

Anonymous 19/09/08(Sun)05:09 No. 30858

>Wanting to be ripped and healthy
>Eating vegan
Think I found your problem OP.

Anonymous 19/09/11(Wed)05:01 No. 30895

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Anonymous 19/09/14(Sat)04:50 No. 30931

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Anonymous 19/09/14(Sat)05:13 No. 30932

This anon is a retard; animals get b12 from bactgeria that grow in the dirt fromt he grass they eat.
There is literally no meat source at all for bacteria even for the cows you shove down your fat gullet.

This can be rectified by a simple supplement, rather, than destroying your body and the planet so you can participate in the ancient ritual of animal slaughter.

God I thought the b12 thing was put to rest.

Anonymous 19/09/16(Mon)02:24 No. 30956

>rather, than destroying your body and the planet
You don't do either of these when you eat meat; and this statement and your post are absolute bullshit.
>This anon is a retard
Says the anon that can only call names and can't read. Nice Ad Hominem

Anonymous 19/09/17(Tue)21:50 No. 30990

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Anonymous 19/09/18(Wed)01:07 No. 30993

I say we should believe him, he knows how to spell bactgeria correctly.

Anonymous 19/10/10(Thu)03:08 No. 31216

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Anonymous 19/10/10(Thu)03:09 No. 31217

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Anonymous 19/10/23(Wed)07:28 No. 31325

Spend a lot of time at the gym and you'll make progress. A trainer will help speed up your progress by a huge amount. Trainers will get you to a good spot. Incacluable value there. lol You might have an attitude about the gym in general. I want to be left alone. You might say that, but a partner would make a huge difference in this scenario. If you go with what trainers say in general you'll be doing good. Wash away your judgment and don the trainer's judgement. Then you'll be doing good. lol

Anonymous 20/03/02(Mon)20:58 No. 33824

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